world series

Friday, 16 November 2012 08:02 | Category : Latest Surfski News

Dawid Mocke extended his lead in the Oceanpadder World Rankings last weekend, coming fifth in the Steelcase Dragon Run.  His lead is now almost unassailable with one race to go.

Sunday, 04 November 2012 18:20 | Category : Latest Surfski News

The sixth edition of the Dragon Run will take place on Saturday, 10 November and it’s set to be a cracker – in more ways than one.

Wednesday, 31 October 2012 07:54 | Category : Latest Surfski News

Jasper Mocke is now just six points behind his older brother Dawid (after discards).  There are just two races to go and it's going down to the wire...

Tuesday, 18 September 2012 07:22 | Category : Latest Surfski News

Two more races down - the Nelo Summer Challenge and the Maar'amu Surfski Race in Tahiti...  Jasper Mocke beat his brother to take the Nelo race and to move into second position on the Oceanpaddler World Rankings.

Thursday, 09 August 2012 10:27 | Category : Latest Surfski News

Two more races down - the Norweigen ASKR race and the US Surfski Champs...  Jasper Mocke beat Sean Rice to take the ASKR event, while Dawid Mocke dominated in San Francisco.