Missing paddlers identified...

Monday, 27 March 2006 10:51 | Written by 
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NSRI, Simonstown - Picture: Hazel McQueen

Craig Lambinon, NSRI spokesman, said that three paddlers who were in the area at the time of the initial report called the NSRI on Tuesday as soon as they heard about this story.  


The three paddlers were all on single skis.  Conditions at the time were rough, but they were not in trouble at any time.  


The original story follows:


The NSRI were activated yesterday (Sunday 26th March) when observers on shore near Oudekraal here in Cape Town reported a double ski or kayak in trouble. 



Boats and helicopters didn't find anything and the seach was eventually called off.  However, the NSRI is anxious to confirm that the paddlers are safe.  So if anyone knows of a single or double ski or kayak that might have been off Oudekraal yesterday morning at around 09h00, please contact the NSRI (or us) and let them know.  


The press releases from the NSRI appear below:


National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI) Media release:


Follow-up: Oudekraal, Cape Town, 26 March, 2006.  Paddler/s feared missing and (new) report of a paraglider feared crashed in the sea in the same area.


Mark Thompson, NSRI Bakoven Station Commander said: "The search has continued for 1 or 2 people feared missing after eye-witnesses reported seeing them capsize on a craft, either a kayak or surf-ski, off-shore of Oudekraal.


"In a seperate incident, at 15h40, the NSRI were alerted to an eye-witness report of a paraglider suspected to have crashed into the sea approximately 2 nautical miles off-shore of Oudekraal, in the same area where a search is continuing for the suspected missing paddler/s.


"Both incidents have been reported by credible and reliable eye-witnesses and our rescue resources that were continuing to search for the paddler/s have shifted their attention to search for the suspected paraglider.


"At this stage no-one has come forward to report the 1 or 2 paddlers missing or overdue since the search began this morning and we are now also investigating any paragliders that are overdue or that were known to be in the area at the time.


"An extensive search is continuing and there has been no signs of anything at sea relating to either of these 2 incidents. If nothing has been found at sea relating to either of these 2 incidents by last light today the search will be called off pending any new information.


"We are continuing to appeal to anyone that can assist us in identifying the paddler/s who may have been in difficulty this morning off-shore of Oudekraal to come forward and anyone who has more information of a paraglider that may have been off-shore of Oudekraal at approximately 15h40 this afternoon to contact Craig Lambinon at the NSRI at 0823803800.


Released by: Craig Lambinon Sea Rescue Spokesman 0823803800


National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI) Media release:


Oudekraal, Cape Town, 26 March, 2006. Paddler's feared missing.


Mark Thompson, NSRI Bakoven Station Commander said: "At 09h17 the NSRI were activated by the National Port Authority to a report of possibly 1 or 2 kayaker's on a suspected double kayak believed to be struggling in the surf and capsized off-shore of Oudekraal, between Llandudno and Camp's Bay and being blown out to sea by strong winds. Further eye-witness reports suggested that the craft may have been a surf-ski and conflicting eye-witness reports suggest it is not clear if there were 1 or 2 people on the craft at the time. The craft is believed to have been heading from the direction of Llandudno towards Camps Bay at the time and eye-witnesses first noticed them in trouble at around 09h15.


"NSRI Bakoven and NSRI Hout Bay, both at sea conducting exercises at the time, responded 3 rescue craft to begin searching. The Vodacom Netcare 911 Surf Rescue helicopter and Metro Rescue Red Cross AMS helicopter joined the search and NSRI Table Bay activated a rescue craft to join in the search. The Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC) are assisting to coordinate the search and rescue operation.


"Following an extensive search nothing has yet been found and there are no reports of people missing or overdue.


"The NSRI are appealing to anyone with information that can assist with identifying the person/s and/or if the person/s who may have experienced difficulty in the surf off-shore of Oudekraal this morning and have gotten back to shore safely and/or anyone with information about 1 or 2 people still overdue from canoeing in that area this morning they can contact Craig Lambinon of the NSRI at 0823803800 or their local police station or the Sea Rescue Emergency Control Centre at (021) 4493500.


"At present there are 4 rescue craft and 2 rescue helicopters assisting with a continuing search."


Released by: Craig Lambinon Sea Rescue Spokesman 0823803800