NZ King of the Harbour - Race Results and Report

Monday, 10 April 2006 22:39 | Written by 
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The New Zealand King of the Harbour results have been published on


*** Full race report and pics at: Sportzhub. ***

*** Great article on the race and more pics at: Epic Kayaks ***

Top 5: 

1 Mike Walker NZ 1:07:05 1:25:37 2:32:42 Open

2 Dave Kissane AUS 1:07:39 1:25:41 2:33:20 Open

3 Tommy Woodriff AUS 1:08:44 1:26:35 2:35:19 Open

4 Lewis Laughlin TAH 1:10:49 1:28:43 2:39:32 Open

5 Simon McLarin NZ 1:12:20 1:27:53 2:40:13 Masters


First Woman: Katie Pocock