Harvie Allison sent us some more pics of Aussie lifesavers playing in 6ft waves - at the NSW Titles...
Some cool shots. (Harv uses a Canon 30d & 600mm f4.0)
In the last ten years there have been a number of interactions between paddlers and sharks off the South African coast. This article describes the incidents and debunks some of the myths about the animals. Paddling is a much safer sport than most – in spite of the emotion and fear associated with sharks.
Someone posted a link on the yahoogroups surfski newsgroup a couple of days ago. It simply said, "rough stuff" and gave the link: http://www.harvpix.com.
We checked it out to find a series of great shots of surf skis going out through some mean surf...
San Francisco based photographer Martin Sundberg made this video
clip about the sport of Surfski. It shows
Zsolt Szadovszki (a top US paddler, came 5th in the 2006 US Champs) talking
about what he thinks of surfski, and then goes on to show Zsolt paddling in
front of the SF skyline.
Apart from the beautiful photography, Zsolt’s words really resonate with me - and the clip is worth watching for Zsolt’s immaculate paddling stroke.
More bad news about Nathan Baggaley.
Australian newspapers and websites are carrying the story about his arrest on serious drug charges. It seems that police stopped Baggaley and a companion in Mermaid Waters, northern NSW and on searching their car found "nearly 800 ecstasy tablets, an unspecified white powder, cannabis and cash".
The "Millers Run", a downwind route between Millers Point and Fish Hoek in Cape Town can be pretty daunting when the southeaster is up and False Bay is full of breaking waves.
But Duncan Buchanan, a 14 year old visitor from Auckland, New Zealand, was keen to give it a go.
2006 has been an exciting year for surfskiing and for surfski.info. When we started out last year we had the objective of developing the world's premier Surfski website - we like to think we have achieved that objective.
In our second year we are going to crank it up an notch or two and we have a number of initiatives in the pipeline. To help fund these initiatives we are now inviting selected advertisers to purchase advertising space on the site.
Thanks to Google Analytics we have some very interesting information about surfski.info.
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How has this come about? At least part of the reason is that Epic were prepared to invest heavily in R&D to design and develop the V10 surfski. The very name gives a clue to the amount of effort that went into it - the V10 was the 10th version of the design
On the Surfski newsgroup there's been much discussion recently about how the northern hemisphere is approaching winter. The denizens of the far north are discussing the finer points of dry suits, hypothermia and the benefits of slipstreaming icebreakers...
In an astonishing scoop, Surfski.info is proud to reveal how South African paddlers tackle cold weather... See below.
Fish Hoek, Cape Town, South Africa - 16h40, Friday 28 July 2006
It was supposed to be a normal Friday winding-down paddle from Fish Hoek to Roman Rock lighthouse and back.
Five paddlers were bunched together about 30m from the catwalk near Sunny Cove when a Great White shark attacked the ski closest to shore.