New v10S

11 years 4 months ago #18273 by foundwood
Replied by foundwood on topic New v10S
Kocho: the new V10 Sport was much more twitchy and had much less of a "feeling" of initial stability than the new V10 during my demo. Both of them dropped the tail and the bow rose when under power which is fine...

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11 years 4 months ago #18274 by Kocho
Replied by Kocho on topic New v10S

foundwood wrote: Kocho: the new V10 Sport was much more twitchy and had much less of a "feeling" of initial stability than the new V10 during my demo. Both of them dropped the tail and the bow rose when under power which is fine...

Did you mean the new V10 was more twitchy than then the new V10 Sport? I can't imagine it would be the other way around...

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11 years 4 months ago #18275 by Kocho
Replied by Kocho on topic New v10S

foundwood wrote: Here is a brief video of the V10S on flat water so you can see how the boat floats a 190 pound paddler

Also, how did you find the seating arrangements b/w the 3 boats? Leg room and seat width/shape differences?

The new V10 has an inch or two more leg room and a bit wider space for the feet (despite being narrower there overall) compared to the outgoing V10 Sport. The seat is also a bit narrower on the new V10 (but still wider than the V12). The old V8 was too short for my legs with footwear, similar or a smidgen shorter than the old V10 Sport, which I filled to the last notch with low profile shoes and had one or two notches barefoot.

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11 years 4 months ago #18281 by foundwood
Replied by foundwood on topic New v10S
Kocho: the V10 Sport was noticeably more twitchy than the V10. I remarked on this to the fellow that was supplying the boats, and he said that he had been paddling the Sport, but not the V10. He seemed doubtful of my conclusion, so I prodded him to take to the water in both. He agreed without reservation. The V10 is the most stable high performance ski that I have ever paddled. The Sport just feels less planted and a little nervous. It is not unstable, it just feels a little like bit like your ass and feet are resting on marbles.

I never felt unstable, just a little "loose".

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11 years 4 months ago #18284 by Jmuzz
Replied by Jmuzz on topic New v10S
I test paddled V10 and V10S the other week and there is no way I would say the V10S is more twitchy.
It does have a wider bucket, so perhaps it was just the loose fit which made it feel less stable since you were less connected to the boat?

And hello everyone on first post :)
I got the V10, which is certainly more challenging than the V10S but wanted the challenge and come from one of the twitchier sea kayaks so already got a fair bit of balance sorted.

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11 years 4 months ago #18289 by TaffyMick
Replied by TaffyMick on topic New v10S
Having changed from a Fenn Swordfish carbon to a new V10 Sport (Performance), it feels as steady as the rock of Gibralter in all conditions, and the bailer... love the gurgling noise as it drains. Kick it closed and Viola! dry feet.

The V10S for me has excellent primary and secondary stability and it challenges you to go that little bit extra. With the Swordy staying upright was a challenge in itself, a fast boat all the same and one that could pick up a run on a ripple.

Much happier with my new V10 Sport and in my case supports Oscar's adage of "stability before ability".

Stellar SEI, Fenn Bluefin S, Sladecraft Comet Long Rec & Vajda K1

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11 years 4 months ago - 11 years 4 months ago #18295 by foundwood
Replied by foundwood on topic New v10S
Jmuzz: I paddled both boats in Ultra construction on perfectly flat water. Ultra construction feels a little more corky and light, which is a good thing. Performance feels rock solid and planted. I never felt unstable in the V10 Sport, it just took a little more correction to keep the hull centerline perfectly vertical in calm water. The sport was noticeably higher in volume than the V10 as well. I think your assessment of cockpit fit is probably the greatest contributing factor regarding the feel of stability between the two boats.
Last edit: 11 years 4 months ago by foundwood.

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11 years 4 months ago - 11 years 4 months ago #18298 by owenw
Replied by owenw on topic New v10S
Jmuzz - Bout time you saw the light and joined the ever expanding mob of sea kayaker converts. Welcome aboard. (I'm patiently awaiting the new V10L before making up my mind on my next addition to the fleet.)

Life truly lived is full of risk; to fence out risk is to fence out life itself
Last edit: 11 years 4 months ago by owenw.

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11 years 4 months ago #18300 by Kennneee
Replied by Kennneee on topic New v10S
When is the new V10L going to be out?


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11 years 4 months ago #18305 by Shackleton
Replied by Shackleton on topic New v10S
Anyone paddled the NEW V 10S in rough water? 1-3 foot wind waves and equally high boat waves? How did it do?

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11 years 4 months ago #18307 by TaffyMick
Replied by TaffyMick on topic New v10S

Shackleton wrote: Anyone paddled the NEW V 10S in rough water? 1-3 foot wind waves and equally high boat waves? How did it do?

Have paddled my new V10S in 1-3'wind waves, upwind, downwind and on each beam. No issues at all. Very stable with just the odd brace on the cross swell. Very happy with it.

Stellar SEI, Fenn Bluefin S, Sladecraft Comet Long Rec & Vajda K1

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