Is there much difference between an Epic mid wing paddle and an Epic small mid wing paddle.
I currently have a mid wing but was told the small mid wing was better because it was easier to pull through the water and allowed for a higher turnover. Plus, it is supposed to be easier on the shoulders.
Yeah they feel quite different, personally I prefer the small mid which has proven to me to be no slower than using a mid, I did prefer the mid in rougher conditions on an unstable ski as it offered more support, other than that I like the small mid.
You need to be more precise with the small mid to get a good lock on the water, this is a good thing and helps improve your stroke.
I agree with Greg...
went from a mid down to a small mid wing - awesome.
much easier on the pull thru the stroke.
I find it easier and quicker to accelerate too...
I'm 80kg & 6'2" as a matter of interest.
as with any change of paddle, took a few sessions to really get the feel of it thru the water but well worth the change!