I know the Nelo 560(L) and 560M have been covered extensively here, but I could not find any updated review of the 560ML. So I'm looking for any feedback from Nelo 560ML paddlers.
I demoed and liked the 560L, but the bucket was way too wide. I do not have a 560ML near me to demo. I read that the 560ML was a combination of the hull of the 560L with the shorter, narrower bucket of the 560M-- can anyone confirm if that is true? Or does the ML have its own unique bucket (i.e. narrower than 560L, longer than the 560M)?
I am hoping that it will be narrower than the 560L and longer than the 560M.
For reference, I am 5'11' and 80Kgs, 32 inch waist, narrow hips. I currently paddle (and love) the Epic V10 G2. But I'm looking to upgrade to an elite boat and looking at my options. I have briefly demoed Epic V14, and Think UNO as well, but just for a few minutes each on flatwater. I liked both, but I am intrigued by the design concepts of the Nelo (shorter, narrow catch, quick acceleration, maneuverable on waves, etc.)