New Epic V11

7 years 2 months ago #30536 by AdrianBruce
Replied by AdrianBruce on topic New Epic V11
Agree, a lowish volume 48cm x 5.8m ocean ski would be awesome. Like a Stellar SR I guess, but with a bit less volume.

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6 years 2 weeks ago #33430 by ChrisOz
Replied by ChrisOz on topic New Epic V11
Just adding to this post for anyone considering a V11. I have been paddling one for 5 weeks, I've probably done 250km's in most conditions. I paddled out of Balmoral in Sydney Harbour and generally go through the heads into whatever the open ocean has to offer, towards Manly or Bondi depending on the winds, most of it involves confused water off fairly imposing headlands, lots of runners and some flat water getting to and from the rough stuff. I am 5'10, and weigh about 82kg. Also, by way of comparison, I paddle spec skis in the surf pretty regularly and tested a few skis in the lead up to buying this V11 (Fenn Elite S, Epic V12, Fenn Spark) and my existing ski, my trusty DD3 Albatross. I also tried the Carbonology range on flatwater only.

I think the Epic V11 is the best ski I have paddled. For my weight and medium height, the V11 sits in the water perfectly, stability in all conditions has been so surprisingly good, I usually struggle in the cross chop, I don't; even think about it in the V11. Speed wise, I am definitely paddling quicker in comparison to the guys I usually paddle with, this is a combination of the ski being lighter and so agile, you see a runner and just turn straight onto it and put the power down.

The Elite S is an awesome boat, super quick, just too much ski for my weight / Height. The Spark was great too, however it spent too much time underwater in decent swell for my weight. I can't add much on Carbonologies, other than to say they are comfortable and look well made.

Like my spec ski, the V11 allows me to sit much higher and get more power from each stroke. The lower hump is far more comfortable for my shorter legs and having the seat positioned a little more forward in the ski, I feel that I am getting on to more runners in mid sized downwind swell. The nose does bury a bit on steeper, bigger conditions, a local paddling gun I paddle with suggests cutting across the wave little to avoid that, I am working on it.

I have now also paddled both layups, can't really pick the different between them as they're both so light. Regarding the manual bailer, I'm not a fan, too much time is spent fiddling with it, the ski slows down when it's open and fills up with water when it's closed - I'll get that converted into a standard Venturi at some stage.

In my humble, non. expert, opinion, the V11 surfs far better than the V12, easier to get onto runners and far more agile when changing direction. Having said that, the V12 might be marginally quicker on flat water?

Anyway, I would recommend giving the V11 a try. 


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6 years 2 weeks ago #33433 by Cerca Trova
Replied by Cerca Trova on topic New Epic V11
Having my V11 for for over 15 months now I am surprised that I do not see them on the water. What a shame as it is an incredible ski. I also have a Nelo 560, 520, V10 G3. And recently I paddled an SEL, and a Vajda Next 43 for over 2 years. As for speed and glide the V11 is king. Like the V10 G3 the V11 has lots of Rocker which I prefer. It makes for a more sea kindly ride in confused seas.
I am curious about the new Stellar Assassin. Anyone here paddled one yet? Does it have the desired rocker?

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6 years 2 weeks ago #33434 by PSwitzer
Replied by PSwitzer on topic New Epic V11
Agree v11 is a great boat for the advanced/expert paddler.  In short steep seas (San Fran Bay) I have not paddled anything that I would prefer for performance.

In longer period / more complex conditions in the ocean (Oahu) I found that I preferred the new v12 during a demo paddle in which I was able to swap back and forth several times during the run.  The 11 is more reactive/agile, but I didn't find that helpful anymore once the swells are bigger and faster.   The 12 was happy to sit at any reasonable angle, absorbed chops better and carried momentum from one run to the next with less input from the pilot.  11 accelerated better but 12 carries that speed better.
I'm 72 kg.

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6 years 6 days ago #33487 by Canadasurfskiguy
Replied by Canadasurfskiguy on topic New Epic V11
Cerca Trova, do you have any thoughts on how the v11 compares to the 560? I've got a v11 in the fall, but had been eyeing the 560m or ml for a while, there's just not many nelo's around where I live. I'm not boat shopping right now, but I'd still be curious to hear about how they compare.

PSwitzer, I came to my v11 from an uno max and have similar thoughts. I love the acceleration and the responsiveness, but I'm not sure it carries momentum and hops waves as well as my uno max. Do you just have the stock rudder on yours? I'm planning to get a DK surf rudder that I think will be a solid improvement as the stock rudder has a very small amount of surface area on its' lower section.

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6 years 6 days ago #33491 by Cerca Trova
Replied by Cerca Trova on topic New Epic V11
Canada, the V11 and 560 are very similar in performance. The V11 has slightly better glide, speed, and has a little more initial stability. The 560 turns better, has more ultimate stability, and seems to pick up the runners more intuitively. The V11 bucket fits me much better and considerably more comfortable. Being so similar I do not need both of these. Yet if I had to get
rid of one of them it would be a hard decision. . 

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6 years 6 days ago #33492 by PSwitzer
Replied by PSwitzer on topic New Epic V11
Canada SSG, 
After demoing V12/V11 extensively I couldn't fit the buckets (numb leg) so wound up buying a Think Ion.  I would have chosen the V12 for my local waters of Oahu, but probably the V11 for SF bay or Gorge type conditions. 

I was on a bit of a mission to get a shorter/more low volume boat because for years my excuse for not going faster is that I don't sink the 21 footers to their proper lines at 72 kg.  Now having paddled the Nelos, swordfish, and V11 in my quest I have to say of those models the SF is the only one that didn't feel twitchy and have trouble carrying speed through big ocean downwind conditions.  So I have come to realize that for me, the go-kart reactive behavior of the Nelos/V11 comes at a price- The upside is that is basically impossible to broach those designs if you know what you're doing, and easy to hold a high angled line on steep faces,  but the downside in complex ocean conditions is that 
1.  At high speeds (16+ kph?) the boat is very sensitive to any rudder or body english input and wants to turn, even when you want to go straight.  Imagine you are on a big runner moving left to right, and as the next runner crosses in front going the other way, you need to keep the hammer down as you let the bow trace a big arc to make your connection without losing speed, all the while getting hit my shorter wavelength chops-  in this scenario I don't need a reactive boat, I need one that will hold the precise line that I want and absorb some of the chaos.
2.  There seems to be a "cap" on the high speed of the shorter low volume boats, at least in big surf, when making those fast connections I have to work harder.  Feels like the boat is slowed by the inevitable chops and dips that you hit in complex conditions.
So now on my Ion I'm a happy camper and going better than ever downwind.  I did put a DK rudder on it which made a huge difference, a move I would recommend to anyone having issues with the rudder stalling, or losing grip on the water.  I found the V11 elliptical totally fine, but you could certainly give a new rudder a try.  Cheers!
- Patrick 

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6 years 6 days ago #33493 by Cerca Trova
Replied by Cerca Trova on topic New Epic V11
Another ski you might consider is the new Epic V10 G3.  I orderd one a few months back and I have had it now for about 2 months. It is very stable, yet fast. It's shape is not like most Epics. Much more rocker, and the bow is changed . 
I am not promoting Epic' as I also have Vadja's and a Stellar. 

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6 years 5 days ago #33496 by Canadasurfskiguy
Replied by Canadasurfskiguy on topic New Epic V11
Thanks for the thoughts fellas.

A friend of mine has a v10 3g, seems like a great boat, but not quite what I'm after. I'm in the light-weight category and got the v11 because I was really craving a smaller (shorter, lower-volume boat) and lighter. My uno max had always felt too big in anything but the largest conditions. It does have an amazing ability to carry speed from a run and charge through some confused waters. I'd often thought of it as a very fast freight train.
I think the v11 will be great in the Gorge!

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