Any ideas what the ideal weight is for the Rhythm ? I have the opportunity to buy a 2nd hand one but due to the short length I wonder if I might be too heavy for it , im 90 kg and 187 cm with fairly wide hipebones, i dont want a ski that sits deep in the water causing alot of drag.
What im hoping for is a shorter, lighter and fast k1 like ski that I can fit comfortably in, my main issue with ski seats is that they are too narrow at the bottom (I have a Fenn Swordfish that I really like but the seat is too narrow at the bottom so I cant paddle it for long, using a 2cm thick seatpad to get some more room).
Not sure how stable it is but I will paddle it mainly on flat water so I guess its fine, im very comfortable in my Swordfish on the ocean.
Its a bit of a drive to try it out so im hoping for some advice if I should go and try it or not.