Australian Ski Pricelist

  • AR_convert
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  • Brett McDonald previous forum name :Pilbaralad
11 years 7 months ago - 11 years 6 months ago #16418 by AR_convert
Following are prices and weights lifted from either the manufacturers or dealers websites. Please let me know if there are changes, errors or additions and I'll edit the list as needs be.

Model Lay-up Weight Price

Blue fin
Vacuum Glass 14kg $ 3100
Carbon 11.5kg $ 4200

Glass 17kg $ 2600
Vacuum Glass 14kg $ 3100
Carbon 11kg $ 4200

Glass 17.5kg $ 2600
Vacuum Glass 14.5kg $ 3100
Carbon 11.5kg $ 4200

Elite & SL
Glass 17.5kg $ 2600
Vacuum Glass 14.5kg $ 3100
Carbon 11.5kg $ 4200

Elite Spark
Glass $2600
Vacuum Glass 14.5kg $3100
Carbon 11.5kg $ 4200

Glass $2600
Vacuum Glass $3100
Carbon $4200

XT Double
Glass 27kg $ 3500
Carbon 19kg $ 4800

Elite Double
Glass 27kg $ 3500
Carbon 18kg $ 4800


Club 18.5kg $ 2750
Performance 16.5kg $ 3500
Ultra 13.5kg $ 4495

V10 Sport
Club 17.5kg $ 2750
Performance 15.5kg $ 3500
Ultra 13.5kg $ 4495
Elite 10.5kg $ 5995

Club 16.8kg $ 2950
Performance 15kg $ 3700
Ultra 12.3kg $ 4700
Elite 10.5kg $ 5950

Club 17.5kg $ 2750
Performance 15.5kg $ 3500
Ultra 13.5kg $ 4495
Elite 10.5kg $ 5995

Performance 15.5kg $ 3700
Ultra 13.5kg $ 4700
Elite 10.5kg $ 5795

Club $2950
Performance 15kg $ 3700
Ultra 12kg $ 4700
Elite $5950

V10 double
Performance 25kg $4300
Ultra 20kg $5600


Performance 15kg $ 2795
Elite 12kg $ 3795
Ultimate 10kg $4995

Big Eze
Performance 15.5kg
Elite 12.5kg

Evo II
Performance 15kg $ 2995
Elite 12kg $ 3995
Ultimate 10kg $4995

Performance 15.5kg
Elite 12.5kg

Uno Max
Performance 15kg $ 2995
Elite 12kg $ 3995
Ultimate 10kg $4995


Glass 13.5kg $ 3300
Hybrid Carb/Gls 12kg $ 3800
Carbon 11kg $ 4800
Carbon Honeycomb 9kg $ POA

Glass 13.5 3300
Hybrid Carb/Gls 12 3800
Carbon 11 4800
Carbon Honeycomb 9 POA

Glass 13.5kg $ 3300
Hybrid Carb/Gls 12kg $ 3800
Carbon 11kg $ 4800
Carbon Honeycomb 9kg $ POA

Glass 13.5kg $ 3300
Hybrid Carb/Glss 12kg $ 3800
Carbon 11kg $ 4800
Carbon Honeycomb 9kg $ POA

Glass 13.5kg $ 3300
Hybrid Carb/Gls 12kg $ 3800
Carbon 11kg $ 4800
Carbon Honeycomb 9kg $ POA

Viva II Double
Glass 22kg $ 4000
Hybrid Carb/Gls 20kg $ 4800
Carbon 18kg $ 5500
Carbon Honeycomb 16kg $ POA


Sport 15kg $ 2595
Advantage 14.5kg $ 3095
Excel 11.5kg $ 3995
Ultra 10.9kg $ 5295

Sport 15kg $ 2595
Advantage 14kg $ 3095
Excel 11kg $ 3995
Ultra 10kg $ 5295

Sport 15.2kg $ 2595
Advantage 14.5kg $ 3095
Excel 11.8kg $ 3995
Ultra 10.5kg $ 5295

Sport 15.5kg $ 2595
Advantage 15kg $ 3095
Excel 12kg $ 3995
Ultra 10.9kg $ 5295

Elite Double
Sport 24kg $ 3195
Advantage 22kg $ 3495
Excel 17.5kg $ 4495
Ultra 16.5kg $ 5895

+++++++++++++++++++++++++FLOW KAYAKS++++++++++++++++++++++

Sharp Superlight Carbon/Kevlar 12.5kg $4,500

Superstar Superlight Carbon/Kevlar 13.5kg $4,250

Rockstar Sperlight Carbon/Kevlar 12.5kg $3,900


Economy 14kg $ 3300
Maxi 12kg $ 4300
Super Maxi 10kg $ 5300

Economy 13.5kg $ 3300
Maxi 12kg $ 4300
Super Maxi 10kg $ 5300

Economy 13.5kg $ 3300
Maxi 12kg $ 4300
Super Maxi 10kg $ 5300

Economy 14kg $ 3300
Maxi 12kg $ 4300
Super Maxi 10kg $ 5300

++++++++++++++++++ADVANTAGE KAYAKS+++++++++++++++

Turbo Charger
Glass/carbon 14.5kg $ 3350
Carbon 12kg $ 4150
* $150 for customised deck design


Strika Glass 16kg $ 1980


Racing 15kg $ 3290
Elite 11kg $ 4495

Racing 15kg $ 5495
Elite 11.5kg $ 3290
Pro 9.5kg $ 4495

Racing 15kg $ 3290
Elite 11kg $ 4495
Pro 9kg $ 5495


Glass $2200
Carbon $3800
Glass $2200
Carbon $3800

Genius CLK Glass 16kg $2,390
Genius CLK Glass Vac 13kg $2,890
Genius CLK Carbon $3,900


Kona Glass 18kg
Kona Carbon 12kg

Kona Storm Glass 17kg
Kona Storm Carbon 12kg

+++++++++++++++++CUSTOM KAYAKS+++++++++++++++++++

Horizon Glass 17kg $1990

+++++++++++++++++++KAYAK CENTRE+++++++++++++++++++

Zeplin Glass 16kg $3,090
Zeplin Carbon $4790

Bullet Glass $2,450
Bullet Hybrid $3,400
Bullet Carbon Lite $4,800


Molokai Mk III Plastic 20.5kg $2,150


PRS Plastic 20.5kg $1,790


Vintage E 10-12kg $5500
Vintage WWR 12-14kg $4900
Ocean Ski M E 10-12kg $5500
Ocean Ski M WWR 12-14kg $4900
Ocean Ski L E 10-12kg $5500
Ocean Ski L WWR 12-14kg $4900
Ocean Ski XXL E 10-12kg $5500
Ocean Ski XXL WWR 12-14kg $4900
Viper 55 E 10-12kg $5500
Viper 55 WWR 12-14kg $4900
560 Ski E 10-12kg $5500
560 Ski WWR 12-14kg $4900
Viper SS2 E
Viper SS2 WWR

Always looking for the next boat :)
Last edit: 11 years 6 months ago by AR_convert.
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11 years 7 months ago - 11 years 6 months ago #16419 by AR_convert
Unfortuntely the formatting from Excel doesnt stay in place when pasting it here.

I had a play with excel to also give a ranking for prices. As I get new info for the excel spreadsheet I can update this also.

Spirit PRS Plastic 20.5kg $1,790
Strika Glass 16 $1,980
Horizon Glass 17kg $1,990
Finn Molokai Mk III Plastic 20.5kg $2,150
Roberg Glass $2,200
Viper Glass $2,200
Genius CLK Glass 16kg $2,390
Bullet Glass $2,450
SR Sport 15 $2,595
SES Sport 15 $2,595
SEL Sport 15.2 $2,595
SE Sport 15.5 $2,595
XT Glass 17 $2,600
Swordfish Glass 17.5 $2,600
Elite & Elite SL Glass 17.5 $2,600
Elite Spark Glass $2,600
Glide Glass $2,600
V8 Club 18.5 $2,750
V10 Sport Club 17.5 $2,750
V10L Club 17.5 $2,750
Eze Performance 15 $2,795
Genius CLK Glass Vac 13kg $2,890
V10 Club 16.8 $2,950
V14 Club $2,950
Evo II Performance 15 $2,995
Uno Max Performance 15 $2,995
Zeplin Glass 16kg $3,090
SR Advantage 14.5 $3,095
SES Advantage 14 $3,095
SEL Advantage 14.5 $3,095
SE Advantage 15 $3,095
Blue fin Vacuum Glass 14 $3,100
XT Vacuum Glass 14 $3,100
Swordfish Vacuum Glass 14.5 $3,100
Elite & Elite SL Vacuum Glass 14.5 $3,100
Elite Spark Vacuum Glass 14.5 $3,100
Glide Vacuum Glass $3,100
Elite Double Sport 24 $3,195
Oscar Racing 15 $3,290
Orca Racing 15 $3,290
Hawx Racing 15 $3,290
Cruze Glass 13.5 $3,300
Zest Glass 13.5 $3,300
Vault Glass 13.5 $3,300
Flash Glass 13.5 $3,300
Atom Glass 13.5 $3,300
Australis Economy 14 $3,300
Envy Economy 13.5 $3,300
Albatross Economy 13.5 $3,300
XLR8 Economy 14 $3,300
Advantage Kayaks Glass/carbon 14.5 $3,350
Bullet Hybrid $3,400
Elite Double Advantage 22 $3,495
XT Double Glass 27 $3,500
Elite Double Glass 27 $3,500
V8 Performance 16.5 $3,500
V10 Sport Performance 15.5 $3,500
V10L Performance 15.5 $3,500
V10 Performance 15 $3,700
V12 Performance 15.5 $3,700
V14 Performance 15 $3,700
Eze Elite 12 $3,795
Cruze Hybrid Carbon/Glass 12 $3,800
Zest Hybrid Carbon/Glass 12 $3,800
Vault Hybrid Carbon/Glass 12 $3,800
Flash Hybrid Carbon/Glass 12 $3,800
Atom Hybrid Carbon/Glass 12 $3,800
Roberg Carbon $3,800
Viper Carbon $3,800
Rockstar Superlight Carbon/Kevlar 12.5kg $3,900
Genius CLK Carbon $3,900
Evo II Elite 12 $3,995
Uno Max Elite 12 $3,995
SR Excel 11.5 $3,995
SES Excel 11 $3,995
SEL Excel 11.8 $3,995
SE Excel 12 $3,995
Viva II Double Glass 22 $4,000
Turbo Charger Carbon 12 $4,150
Blue fin Carbon 11.5 $4,200
XT Carbon 11 $4,200
Swordfish Carbon 11.5 $4,200
Elite & Elite SL Carbon 11.5 $4,200
Elite Spark Carbon 11.5 $4,200
Glide Carbon $4,200
Superstar Superlight Carbon/Kevlar 13.5kg $4,250
Australis Maxi 12 $4,300
Envy Maxi 12 $4,300
Albatross Maxi 12 $4,300
XLR8 Maxi 12 $4,300
V10 double Performance 25kg $4300

V8 Ultra 13.5 $4,495
V10 Sport Ultra 13.5 $4,495
V10L Ultra 13.5 $4,495
Elite Double Excel 17.5 $4,495
Oscar Elite 11 $4,495
Orca Elite 11.5 $4,495
Hawx Elite 11 $4,495
Sharp Superlight Carbon/Kevlar 12.5kg $4,500
V10 Ultra 12.3 $4,700
V12 Ultra 13.5 $4,700
V14 Ultra 12 $4,700
Zeplin Carbon $4,790
Bullet Carbon Lite $4,800
XT Double Carbon 19 $4,800
Elite Double Carbon 18 $4,800
Cruze Carbon 11 $4,800
Zest Carbon 11 $4,800
Vault Carbon 11 $4,800
Flash Carbon 11 $4,800
Atom Carbon 11 $4,800
Viva II Double Hybrid Carbon/Glass 20 $4,800
Vintage WWR 13kg $4900
Ocean Ski M WWR 13kg $4900
Ocean Ski L WWR 13kg $4900
Ocean Ski XXL WWR 13kg $4900
Viper 55 WWR 13kg $4900
560 Ski WWR 13kg $4900
Eze Ultimate 10 $4995
Evo II Ultimate 10 $4995
Uno Max Ultimate 10 $4995
SR Ultra 10.9 $5,295
SES Ultra 10 $5,295
SEL Ultra 10.5 $5,295
SE Ultra 10.9 $5,295
Australis Super Maxi 10 $5,300
Envy Super Maxi 10 $5,300
Albatross Super Maxi 10 $5,300
XLR8 Super Maxi 10 $5,300
Orca Pro 9 $5,495
Hawx Pro 9 $5495
Viva II Double Carbon 18 $5,500
Vintage E 11kg $5500
Ocean Ski M E 11kg $5500
Ocean Ski L E 11kg $5500
Ocean Ski XXL E 11kg $5500
Viper 55 E 11kg $5500
560 Ski E 11kg $5500
Epic V10 Double Ultra 20 $5600
V12 Elite 10.5 $5,795
Elite Double Ultra 16.5 $5,895
V10 Elite 10.5 $5,950
V14 Elite $5,950
V10 Sport 10.5 $5,995
V10L Elite 10.5 $5,995
Cruze Carbon Honeycomb 9 POA
Zest Carbon Honeycomb 9 POA
Vault Carbon Honeycomb 9 POA
Flash Carbon Honeycomb 9 POA
Atom Carbon Honeycomb 9 POA
Viva II Double Carbon Honeycomb 16 POA

Always looking for the next boat :)
Last edit: 11 years 6 months ago by AR_convert.
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11 years 7 months ago - 11 years 7 months ago #16420 by Kayaker Greg
Interesting, quick comparison of the 11.5kg skis in NZ where the NZ$ is currently 83 cents Australia:

Fenn, all carbon 11.5kg skis are NZ$4000.00, cheaper than Aus. Same go's for the glass options, exceptional value here in NZ.

Stellar, 11.5kg kevlar skis are NZ$42500.00, more expensive than Aus and cheaper through all layups than Epic, as they are in Aus.

Epic, 11.4kg skis are NZ$5300.00, more expensive than Aus and over $1000.00 more expensive than the same weight ski's in the other brands here in NZ. Until recently Epics were $500.00 more expensive than they are now.

Think skis not a direct comparison as they are a little heavier but are about NZ$500.00 more than in Aus, here more expensive than Stellar and Fenn but cheaper than Epic.
Last edit: 11 years 7 months ago by Kayaker Greg.

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11 years 7 months ago - 11 years 7 months ago #16423 by barrypaddle1
Be nice if Epic was a bit more "generous" and through in a tube of KY to make the buyer feel at least a bit loved.

Would be different if paying a price premium for their products meant lightest skis and best manufacturing process.
Last edit: 11 years 7 months ago by barrypaddle1.

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  • Brett McDonald previous forum name :Pilbaralad
11 years 7 months ago - 11 years 6 months ago #16424 by AR_convert
Here's the list from highest to lowest weights. Those skis I don't yet have weights on not shown.

XT Double Glass 27 3500
Elite Double Glass 27 3500
V10 double Performance 25 4300
Elite Double Sport 24 3195
Viva II Double Glass 22 4000
Elite Double Advantage 22 3495
Spirit PRS Plastic 20.5 $1790
Finn Molokai Mk III Plastic 20.5 $2150
V10 double Ultra 20 5600
Viva II Double Hybrid Carbon/Glass 20 4800
XT Double Carbon 19 4800
V8 Club 18.5 2750
Elite Double Carbon 18 4800
Viva II Double Carbon 18 5500
Kona Glass 18
Swordfish Glass 17.5 2600
Elite & Elite SL Glass 17.5 2600
V10 Sport Club 17.5 2750
V10L Club 17.5 2750
Elite Double Excel 17.5 4495
XT Glass 17 2600
Kona Storm Glass 17
Horizon Glass 17 1990
V10 Club 16.8 2950
V8 Performance 16.5 3500
Elite Double Ultra 16.5 5895
Viva II Double Carbon Honeycomb 16 POA
Strika Glass 16 1980
Roberg Glass 16 2200
Viper Glass 16 2200
Genius CLK Glass 16 2,390
Zeplin Glass 16 $3,090
V10 Sport Performance 15.5 3500
V10L Performance 15.5 3500
V12 Performance 15.5 3700
Big Eze Performance 15.5
Ion Performance 15.5
SE Sport 15.5 2595
SEL Sport 15.2 2595
V10 Performance 15 3700
V14 Performance 15 3700
Eze Performance 15 2795
Evo II Performance 15 2995
Uno Max Performance 15 2995
SR Sport 15 2595
SES Sport 15 2595
SE Advantage 15 3095
Oscar Racing 15 3290
Orca Racing 15 5495
Hawx Racing 15 3290
Swordfish Vacuum Glass 14.5 3100
Elite & Elite SL Vacuum Glass 14.5 3100
Elite Spark Vacuum Glass 14.5 3100
SR Advantage 14.5 3095
SEL Advantage 14.5 3095
Advantage Kayaks Glass/carbon 14.5 3350
Blue fin Vacuum Glass 14 3100
XT Vacuum Glass 14 3100
SES Advantage 14 3095
Australis Economy 14 3300
XLR8 Economy 14 3300
V8 Ultra 13.5 4495
V10 Sport Ultra 13.5 4495
Superstar Superlight Carb/Kev 13.5 4250
V10L Ultra 13.5 4495
V12 Ultra 13.5 4700
Cruze Glass 13.5 3300
Zest Glass 13.5 3300
Vault Glass 13.5 3300
Flash Glass 13.5 3300
Atom Glass 13.5 3300
Envy Economy 13.5 3300
Albatross Economy 13.5 3300
Vintage WWR 13kg $4900
Ocean Ski M WWR 13kg $4900
Ocean Ski L WWR 13kg $4900
Ocean Ski XXL WWR 13kg $4900
Viper 55 WWR 13kg $4900
560 Ski WWR 13kg $4900
Genius CLK Glass Vac 13 2890
Big Eze Elite 12.5
Ion Elite 12.5
Rockstar Superlight Carb/Kev 12.5 3900
Sharp Superlight Carb/Kev 12.5 $4,500
V10 Ultra 12.3 4700
V14 Ultra 12 4700
Eze Elite 12 3795
Evo II Elite 12 3995
Uno Max Elite 12 3995
Cruze Hybrid Carbon/Glass 12 3800
Zest Hybrid Carbon/Glass 12 3800
Vault Hybrid Carbon/Glass 12 3800
Flash Hybrid Carbon/Glass 12 3800
Atom Hybrid Carbon/Glass 12 3800
SE Excel 12 3995
Australis Maxi 12 4300
Envy Maxi 12 4300
Albatross Maxi 12 4300
XLR8 Maxi 12 4300
Turbo Charger Carbon 12 4150
Kona Carbon 12
Kona Storm Carbon 12
SEL Excel 11.8 3995
Blue fin Carbon 11.5 4200
Swordfish Carbon 11.5 4200
Elite & Elite SL Carbon 11.5 4200
Elite Spark Carbon 11.5 4200
SR Excel 11.5 3995
Orca Elite 11.5 3290
XT Carbon 11 4200
Cruze Carbon 11 4800
Zest Carbon 11 4800
Vault Carbon 11 4800
Flash Carbon 11 4800
Atom Carbon 11 4800
SES Excel 11 3995
Oscar Elite 11 4495
Hawx Elite 11 4495
Vintage E 11kg $5500
Ocean Ski M E 11kg $5500
Ocean Ski L E 11kg $5500
Ocean Ski XXL E 11kg $5500
Viper 55 E 11kg $5500
560 Ski E 11kg $5500
SR Ultra 10.9 5295
SE Ultra 10.9 5295
10.5 5995
V10 Elite 10.5 5950
V10L Elite 10.5 5995
V12 Elite 10.5 5795
SEL Ultra 10.5 5295
Eze Ultimate 10 4995
Evo II Ultimate 10 4995
Uno Max Ultimate 10 4995
SES Ultra 10 5295
Australis Super Maxi 10 5300
Envy Super Maxi 10 5300
Albatross Super Maxi 10 5300
XLR8 Super Maxi 10 5300
Orca Pro 9.5 4495
Cruze Carbon Honeycomb 9 POA
Zest Carbon Honeycomb 9 POA
Vault Carbon Honeycomb 9 POA
Flash Carbon Honeycomb 9 POA
Atom Carbon Honeycomb 9 POA
Hawx Pro 9 5495

Always looking for the next boat :)
Last edit: 11 years 6 months ago by AR_convert.

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11 years 7 months ago #16425 by Marty
Replied by Marty on topic Re: Australian Ski Pricelist
Wow! What a list, very handy for easy comparisons between the main players. Thanks for taking the time Brett.

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11 years 7 months ago #16428 by Stew
Replied by Stew on topic Re: Australian Ski Pricelist

AR_convert wrote:

Kayaker Greg wrote: Interesting, quick comparison of the 11.5kg skis in NZ where the NZ$ is currently 83 cents Australia:

Think have no pricing info

Pricing on every think item is displayed in the online shop on the website,, including skis, paddles and accessories.

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11 years 7 months ago - 11 years 7 months ago #16429 by AR_convert

Stew wrote:
Pricing on every think item is displayed in the online shop on the website,, including skis, paddles and accessories.

My apologies Stew, didn't navigate your site correctly. My comment has been edited accordingly. Are the Big Eze and Ion skis priced along the same price line as the rest of the range? IE, $2995 & $3995.

Always looking for the next boat :)
Last edit: 11 years 7 months ago by AR_convert.

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11 years 7 months ago #16434 by Love2ski
I have also wondered at the prices for epics. You would think being made in china they wouldn't be the most expensive brand

However they are worth what someone is prepared to pay. Based on the number of epics out there the price point must be ok.

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11 years 7 months ago - 11 years 7 months ago #16436 by Kayaker Greg
As a matter of interest I converted the price of some of our ski's here in NZ into Australian dollars, rounded figures for the same skis as listed above

All listed in Australian dollars.

11.5kg Fenn Swordfish Australia $4200.00, NZ $3300.00
11kg Stellar SES, Australia $3995.00, NZ $3500.00
13.5kg Epic V10l Australia $4495.00, NZ $4370.00
13.5kg Epic V12 Australia $4700.00, NZ $4496.00
12kg Think Evo Australia $3995.00, NZ $3630.00

Seems we have skis cheaper here in NZ than you do in Australia.
Last edit: 11 years 7 months ago by Kayaker Greg.

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11 years 7 months ago #16441 by Ranga
Replied by Ranga on topic Re: Australian Ski Pricelist
I see Nelo ski`s don't seem to have a problem on pricing! Not even mentioned.

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11 years 7 months ago - 11 years 7 months ago #16442 by AR_convert

Ranga wrote: I see Nelo ski`s don't seem to have a problem on pricing! Not even mentioned.

Ranga, I have listed them but can't find a prices or weights, if someone can find these I can update these lists.

Always looking for the next boat :)
Last edit: 11 years 7 months ago by AR_convert.

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11 years 7 months ago #16446 by JonathanC

Kayaker Greg wrote: As a matter of interest I converted the price of some of our ski's here in NZ into Australian dollars, rounded figures for the same skis as listed above

All listed in Australian dollars.

11.5kg Fenn Swordfish Australia $4200.00, NZ $3300.00
11kg Stellar SES, Australia $3995.00, NZ $3500.00
13.5kg Epic V10l Australia $4495.00, NZ $4370.00
13.5kg Epic V12 Australia $4700.00, NZ $4496.00
12kg Think Evo Australia $3995.00, NZ $3630.00

Seems we have skis cheaper here in NZ than you do in Australia.

Almost $1000 cheaper for the Swordfish in NZ compared to Oz, wonder what it would cost to freight one to Melbourne...assuming it didn't get $1000 damage on the way over :unsure: With the Aussie dollar so strong and having been that way for quite a while I think there is quite some profit being made right now selling new ski's in Australia.

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11 years 7 months ago #16448 by Love2ski
Do you have to pay 10% duty on skis coming into Australia?

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11 years 7 months ago #16449 by JonathanC
Certainly not from New Zealand, not sure about anywhere else, but from past experience 5% is the typical import duty, would have to pay GST of 10% though.

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11 years 7 months ago #16450 by paddlehammo
Shock yourself...have a look at cost of a ski in South Africa. :ohmy:

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11 years 7 months ago #16453 by JonathanC
What are the typical prices in SA? Got me thinking about how much LCL freight would cost if you could get a few people together to bulk buy. If they are half the cost they are in OZ, which I suspect is the case, back up isn't a problem, just buy a spare!
Even a 40' container couldn't cost more than 5K, wouldn't take too many ski's to make it worthwhile to import them yourself.

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11 years 7 months ago #16454 by bunchie37
Well......a very quick casual look at the V10 Sport Club.

Quoted above @ $2750, Paddling Centre has them at the equivalent of $1450 converted from Rand.


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11 years 7 months ago #16455 by Nige
Replied by Nige on topic Re: Australian Ski Pricelist
A full carbon Fenn Glide costs about Aus $ 1800 in South Africa, vs. $4200 quoted above.

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11 years 7 months ago #16458 by AR_convert

Still missing quite a lot of weights and prices.

If people can track them down I can fill them in.

Always looking for the next boat :)

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