Short version; how well does the V8 Pro surf 2-5' (0.5-1.5m) short interval wind waves, (like 7-9 second interval) compared to something like a Fenn XT? (seems like the higher rocker of the XT plus a tiny cockpit made it surf 100x better than the SR).
Longer version:
I was out paddling in some fun conditions last night; 16 knot wind with 3-5' swell at ~8 seconds, and was finally thrown off my boat unexpectedly for the first time! All my remounting practice served me well as I got back on my first try, but did manage to tangle my leash slightly. Now I understand more what you guys are talking about with leash entanglement, but I think I just needed to take a second longer and arrange the leash before remounting. Overall it went pretty darn smooth for being my first remount in the largest conditions I've practiced in, learned a couple small things along the way too.
Surfing last night was a blast, but it again reinforced my burning, passionate hatred of the SRg1 cockpit. the waves were steep enough that when a steep peak of a wave passed, it partially broke on me (which went pretty well overall) and i was left sitting in 10 gallons of water. Have you ever tried to catch the next wave when you're suddenly 70lbs heavier? It doesn't go so well
I missed out on the Custom Kayaks Horizon that was near me. Thanks TVE for the swordfish link but I need a boat in the 19-20" range, not a micron below 19", as im already at my 'form starts to suffer' threshold in choppy conditions in a 19" beam SR. The V8 Pro Ultra is still available near me (unable to test paddle it unfortunately), but here is why am not jumping on it:
It seems to me that American and European designed boats (Epic, Nelo, Stellar) all lack the rocker that South African and Australian boats commonly have (like Fenn). When I paddled Kirk's XT, it sat in the trough of the wave and surfed soooo much more naturally. Im marginally hesitant to buy another low rocker boat, as I really want my next boat to be a surfing monster (that's the fun part of paddling!). I also observe it seems low rocker boats nose dive into the next wave more readily vs a higher rocker boat which matches the shape of the wave more closely and is less likely to bury the nose.
So, to anyone with some V8 Pro seat time, does it 'sit' in the trough of a wave nicely more like a Fenn design, or do you have to keep working to maintain speed and direction?