Big swell this weekend in So Cal

  • MCImes
  • Visitor
6 years 5 months ago - 6 years 5 months ago #32837 by MCImes
Big swell this weekend in So Cal was created by MCImes
To anyone in the Southern California area, the swell is already building to the biggest weekend we've had maybe all summer. Not exactly huge by aussie or ZA standards, but for end-of-summer in CA, 1.5-2m waves are pretty respectable and should make for some fun runs.

Our closest NOAA buoy shows its on the rise already

And the forecast looks great for tomorrow

Kirk or Thorsten, I'll be out tomorrow afternoon for sure, maybe tonight too. Saturday around noon looks to be ideal; wind in line with swell, low tide, peak swell size. Hit me up if you want to go out.Looks
like good times.

Edit: If anyone owns a Double ski and wants to go out, the 5' 15 second swell will probably be moving too fast to catch consistently on a solo. A longer boat and 2 paddlers would be ideal for these kind of waves. Let me know if you have one and want to paddle!
Last edit: 6 years 5 months ago by MCImes. Reason: Call out for double ski

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6 years 5 months ago #32839 by tve
I'll be going out of the SB harbor sat morning. Might have time & energy for something on sunday, though.

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