Regarding the speed of the Nelo 520 vs the Swordfish, obviously if one is unable to stay upright on the SF, the 520 will be faster. However, assuming one is competent enough to paddle both boat in the conditions presented, the SF is definitely the faster boat. And so it should be.
That said, I paddled the Nelo 520 again in 15-20 knot winds and 1-1.5m swell with some areas of bounce back. In these conditions, I can say that the 520 was the most fun I have had on a ski in a long time. It is so nimble, being able to turn and accelerate onto the smallest bump in no time. Big thumbs up for the boat in terms of fun factor.
The jury is still out for me regarding how the boat will perform when it gets big and steep. I am concerned about the lack of volume in the nose and the forward seating position. Has anyone else had experience with the 520 in big conditions. I would really appreciate comment on your experiences.