Spectra Q power line in Australia?

12 years 11 months ago #11159 by cdo
Does anyone know of a source of Spectra Q Powerline (as used by Think for rudder lines) within Australia? Stew any comment?


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12 years 11 months ago #11160 by Boof Head
Check your local boat chandelry. I put dyneema line in my homebuilt. Kiteboarding shops also sell it but they charge a lot.

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12 years 11 months ago #11161 by cdo
That is exactly why I asked...no one in Australia appears to stock it. Dyneema is not the same.

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12 years 11 months ago #11162 by Sandy
And while we're at it....how bout SoCal ? The kite shops seem only to have it in precut kite line sets and not in bulk by the foot .

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12 years 11 months ago #11163 by Boof Head
I couldn't find any Spectra Q power line locally either when I was looking for rudder lines. That why I ended up buying the dyneema.

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12 years 11 months ago #11164 by bobmoffatt
Try Kitepower Aust I think they sell it, I was going to replace my SES lines and share the cost with other Stellar owners but never got around to it.

Past skis,Spirit Racing ski,Singer SLSA ski, Davenwood Eradicator, Custom Kayaks ICON, Think EVO, Stellar SR excel...current skis Stellar SES advantage, Stellar SEI excel

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12 years 11 months ago #11165 by owenfromwales
Quick question really guys:
I`ve never used the kite line Spectra Q Powerline, but is it significantly better than a braided fishing line of the same diameter? Just wondering...

189cm 90~100kg
Present skis:
2017 Stellar SEI 2G
1993 Gaisford Spec Ski
1980s Pratt Spec Ski
1980s UK Surf Skis Ocean Razor
1980s UK Surf Skis Ocean Razor X 3
1987 Kevlar Chalupsky (Hummel) (Welsh copy!)
1988 Kevlar Double Chalupsky
1992 Hammerhead spec
2000 Fenn copy

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12 years 11 months ago #11166 by cdo
"Quick question really guys:
I`ve never used the kite line Spectra Q Powerline, but is it significantly better than a braided fishing line of the same diameter? Just wondering..."

In my humble unexpert opinion...YES! It has a totally smooth outer core that decreases the friction in rudder lines, it also has less stretch meaning a more instant response and it is small diameter for the same or stronger weight. When I look at the braided line on my Stellar's I see wear because of the braids...compared to my old Think which despite probably 4 times the use looks perfect. Also I am not saying it is just the line but the Think's steering compared to the Stellar's is much sharper.
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12 years 11 months ago #11167 by Boof Head
Agree that the Stellar line is less than satisfactory. Had to re insert a rudder line on the weekend. quiet the process. So much so that I considered replacing both lines with stainless wire but there doesn't seem to be enough room in the rudder box to allow me to loop the wire through the epic tiller bar that I am using.

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12 years 11 months ago #11168 by Boof Head
A quick google search tells me that, chemically, Spectra and Dyneema are the same thing. high modulus polyethylene. different trade names but exact same chemical structure.
Difference must be in the way it is constructed, spun, braided, etc.
Can anybody shed any light on why one would be better suited to rudder lines than the other?
I haven't had a look at any Think lines but so far, I prefer the dyneema over whatever is in the Stellars.

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12 years 11 months ago #11169 by cdo
With my limited knowledge, all I can say is I can quickly visually see the difference between what is being sold as dyneema vs power Q.
This is all kite stuff but refer: www.awindofchange.com/product/Qpowerline.html

In particular the 4th dot point appears to be what makes it superior in a ski application?

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12 years 11 months ago #11170 by richardh
Finn Kayaks plastic skis use special stiff cord and I've used this in my Ski.

I didn't see it available at the Yachting shops, but is is available from Finn and likely their local suppliers. The shop near work has two types available, one stiff and one flexible, probably a tad less than 3mm in diameter.

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12 years 11 months ago #11172 by Bill L
Last year, I looked at the technical data sheets for both dyneema and Q-power spectra; I forget exactly the numbers but the dyneema, while it has a higher breaking strength, has more stretch.

When I got my stellar, I could actually see the stretch difference compared to my think legend (when pushing on the pedals with my admittedly uncalibrated hand). I have since replaced the stellar dyneema with the Q-power spectra - the steering feels much tighter now, definitely better control on the bigger waves.

I got my Q-power spectra from a dive shop (200 foot roll for about $60 US). It seems they also use Q-power spectra for spear guns.


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12 years 11 months ago #11173 by Stew
I've got heaps of Q-Power spectra line in stock if you need it.

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12 years 11 months ago #11175 by waterbornewarrior

Sandy wrote: And while we're at it....how bout SoCal ? The kite shops seem only to have it in precut kite line sets and not in bulk by the foot .

Sandy: You can get a 200' spool from this Santa Cruz outfit. A friend and I ordered a roll and split it. Obviously it's enough to do a bunch of boats, so you could go in on it with one or more paddling friends.

Neptonic Systems


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12 years 11 months ago #11176 by Sandy
Don , thanx for the (pun intended) "lead" , now , you wanna sell me 40' ? :)

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12 years 11 months ago #11185 by Kayaker Greg
I'm at a loss to see what the problem is with the Stellar cord, mine looks the same as the Epic V10L I had. Perhaps mine came with something different? There is no braids in the cord and doesn't seem to stretch.

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12 years 11 months ago #11187 by Bill L

Kayaker Greg wrote: I'm at a loss to see what the problem is with the Stellar cord, mine looks the same as the Epic V10L I had. Perhaps mine came with something different? There is no braids in the cord and doesn't seem to stretch.

My stellar came with the gray dyneema, kind of a small flat braid. There is nothing wrong with the dyneema, per se, but all synthetics (including spectra) will have some stretch, especially compared to a stainless steel cable. The spectra has slightly less stretch than the dyneema, so that translates to a bit more control. We're only talking a few % of stretch, so it may be hard to notice unless you do a side-by-side test.

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12 years 10 months ago #11194 by red_pepper
In the USA, Coastal Wind Sports in Georgia sells Q-Power Spectra line by the meter (US$1/meter): www.coastalwindsports.com/ You may have to call them, though - I don't think it mentions selling by the meter on their web site. The owner was extremely nice, and just sells the line for the pro-rated cost of a reel of the stuff. Options are orange, yellow, and white. They have other line types as well.

I just ordered some to replace the line on my Stellar SE. The Stellar cable had quite a bit of stretch; the line I tried from my local shop was even worse. Think uses this stuff in their boats, and it's excellent.

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12 years 10 months ago #11195 by cdo
I must admit some of the responses here I personally find strange. By my logic:
I now have a source of Powerline Q within Australia;
compared to Stellar's 'dyneema' it will cost me $11 extra;
I paid close to $4000 for my ski;
the original Stellar line is badly worn after only 7 months use;
my Think was had at least 4 times the use of the Stellar and its Power Q lines are still perfect
No decision really

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