Foot straps - my fix - maybe it'll help

2 years 9 months ago - 2 years 9 months ago #39865 by Oopsla2
I bought new foot straps both for the V14 and V10. In no time when they get worn in and soggy they'll collapse and make it difficult to get your feet back under after a rest.I took a stainless steel pipe clamp and stiffened the area that seems to collapse. Cut to size and sew in place. I used some extra webbing to cover it to make it cleaner and safer. I did it two ways one with it sew in (the slotted section) and the other I sewed around it. I like this way better because it is easily removed.Maybe it helps some people here, maybe not, I just want to put it out there. To me it is a safety issue that should not be ignored.
Last edit: 2 years 9 months ago by Oopsla2.

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2 years 9 months ago #39866 by tve
Nice idea! Just have to be careful you can't cut your feet on those things... I took some PVC sheet material from craft (1mm or 1.5mm thick) and cut that to the width of the strap and taped it to the strap using electrical tape. Also works, just depends on which materials you have handy...

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2 years 9 months ago #39871 by Oopsla2
I don't want a bunch of sharks trailing behind. There is no exposed metal in the footwell. You have to leave a section exposed because it gets clamped between the bracket and the rail runner. This helps prop the strap up as well.

You are right, whatever works.

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2 years 9 months ago #39873 by Belacqua
My first ski had a foot bar and I hate paddling with straps for the exact reasons you state. If you make them tight enough to feel locked in they are hard to get in and out of.

The Nelo foot bar is a pain in the ass to set up, but once it is set, feet go in and out super easy and you are connected to the boat with zero play.

I think the best solution for adjustability and performance would be a foot bar with thumb screws on a sliding channel that you could adjust on the fly.

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2 years 9 months ago #39874 by Oopsla2
I never owned a Nelo surfski. I checked out their website. From what I see it looks very well thought out. Another gripe I have with an Epic is the runners freezing up. The Nelo looks ta have another approach. I like it. Thanks for the info.

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2 years 9 months ago - 2 years 9 months ago #39875 by zachhandler
Simple fix. Attach leg leash to foostrap rather than dedicated attachment point. When i would get in my epics I learned to pull on the leg leash to open up space for the feet to slide in. It became so habitual i did not even know I was doing it, even in big seas. I actually prefer connecting to footstap. Connecting to the leash anchor leaves a long plastic coil always getting under my calf. Not an issue if attached to footstrap.

Nelos do everything except the debrito bailer different from any other brand. Length, hull design, rudder, footplate and strap, wave deflector attachment, plumb bow. They are their own thing. Worth trying if in the market.

Current Skis: Nelo Vanquish AIR, Epic V10g4, NK 670 double, NK exrcize, Carbonology Feather, Think Jet, Knysna Sonic X
Former Skis: Epic v10g3, Kai Waa Vega, Epic V12 g2, Epic V12 g1, Epic v10 double, Nelo 550 g2, Fenn Elite S, Custom Kayaks Synergy
Last edit: 2 years 9 months ago by zachhandler.

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2 years 9 months ago #39878 by waverider
Been thinking of something like this for my Epic k1, either that or just swapping it for a nelo, or similar, pull bar.

On a related note with one piece footstraps if you splay your feet to the sides slightly the strap becomes more snug

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2 years 9 months ago #39892 by tve

Nice idea! Just have to be careful you can't cut your feet on those things... I took some PVC sheet material from craft (1mm or 1.5mm thick) and cut that to the width of the strap and taped it to the strap using electrical tape. Also works, just depends on which materials you have handy...

Photos.. You can see the PVC sheet peeking out in white.


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2 years 9 months ago #39894 by Oopsla2
Looks like you put the PVC on the inside. The advantage to yours is you need not take the peddle assembly apart to put it in. The salt water corrosion can do a number on locking down the screws.

My S/S clip is on the outside of the original strap (and covered). My intention was to stiffen the strap without adding bulk and weight while being invisible.

In the end it only matters if it works whichever way it is done. I also like what zachhandler does. I never thought of using the leash. I am so much happier with the strap now. Much more confident in getting my feet under it.

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