V10 Sport Gen 1 drain / venturi slow?

2 years 10 months ago #39716 by mariano
Hi. I'm new to the forum.
I just bought a V10 Sport from 2006
I've only ever paddled a wider surfskis before, which had two drain holes that drained the water soon after I started paddling.
In this V10 Sport the hole is smaller, I think it's called a venturi, but i never get to empty the footrest fully or even close. The hole point back, there's nothing on it, and it has no cap, lever or anything.
I'm paddling on flat water and quire out of shape, but is this boat designed to only drain when going very fast ? (as in open ocean surfing)
Anything I can do ?

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2 years 10 months ago #39717 by Atlas
I haven't paddled that model myself so I'm not sure what kind of drainage performance you should expect. You might need to paddle a bit faster. Most skis start to drain (slowly) from around 8 kph which is not particularly fast.
If there is damage to the venturi then that will affect water flow and thus drainage.
If the hull design allows for it you might want to fit a bullet behind the venturi hood. This generally improves drainage at low speeds. Some older designs have a concavity behind the venturi which prohibits this. These designs as I understand it are optimised for fast drainage at very fast paddling speeds but are rubbish at low speed.
If you can upload a photo of the venturi outlet (on the bottom of the hull) and one of the inlet (inside the cockpit) we can probably help you further.

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2 years 10 months ago #39719 by zachhandler
Is there a hood over the outside of the drain hole like this:

Current Skis: Nelo Vanquish AIR, Epic V10g4, NK 670 double, NK exrcize, Carbonology Feather, Think Jet, Knysna Sonic X
Former Skis: Epic v10g3, Kai Waa Vega, Epic V12 g2, Epic V12 g1, Epic v10 double, Nelo 550 g2, Fenn Elite S, Custom Kayaks Synergy

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2 years 10 months ago #39721 by mariano
It does, but also there like a concave part after the exit (recessed into the hull). I'll try to get a rubber bung / cork and also set carry the gps onboard to check speed.
Would a "bullet" help? I guess I would have to make it myself out of two part epoxy putty

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2 years 10 months ago #39722 by mariano
Photos of the drain

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2 years 10 months ago #39725 by zachhandler
Thats how those old epics were. Kind of an inverse bullet. There is a thread somewhere her in which a guy said he made one for an old epic and it made no difference. How fast are you going on a gps? You could have a modern bailer put in but probably not worth the cost on an old boat if you have to hire the job out.

Current Skis: Nelo Vanquish AIR, Epic V10g4, NK 670 double, NK exrcize, Carbonology Feather, Think Jet, Knysna Sonic X
Former Skis: Epic v10g3, Kai Waa Vega, Epic V12 g2, Epic V12 g1, Epic v10 double, Nelo 550 g2, Fenn Elite S, Custom Kayaks Synergy

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2 years 10 months ago #39730 by waverider
Unless you are paddling flatwater just accept there will be water in the footwell. Trying to plug and unplug it in a vain attempt to keep it dry is a waste of effort. as long as most of it drains out when it swamps you are good to go.

Nothing more annoying than bashing out through the breakers, it swamps and you realise you forgot to open the manual drainer

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