Epic V5 Rotomoulded = Sling/Trolley and Paddle

3 years 1 month ago #39460 by Agent009
Hi all

Well I've been meaning to get a Epic V5 for aggggessss now and have finally done it.

Was toing and froing between the rotomoulded version and performance layup. I actually like the speckled grey look of the rotomoulded version although the performance layup looked very sleek as well. After picking both up the performance layup was definitely lighter but it didn't actually feel that much different. The performance layup was around 16kg and the rotomoulded version came in at 20kg. So the 4kg weight difference didn't feel like that much difference and I'll never be carrying the ski too far anyway.

Plus with the rotomoulded I definitely feel a bit of relief as I know I won't do any damage to this. With performance, it would always be in the back of my mind and I'd hate to damage it (even though I know they can be repaired). I'll be mainly using it for short paddles in the ocean and also playing around in waves/surf zone and trying to catch as many runners as possible.

I may still get a kayak trolley (one that fits in the hatch) or a sling to carry it. Will any SUP sling work or am I best just using the handles without a sling?

And lastly paddle...looking at both of these:



Will the wing paddle be a lot better than the greenland by gearlab? Remember I'm not trying to win any races, although I would like to get the most out of my V5. And I'll be catching runners and waves and playing in surf zone a lot.


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3 years 1 month ago #39461 by mrcharly
Wing paddle for surfski.

Greenland paddle for slow touring in sea kayak.

Euro asymmetric for touring and playing in surf.

I also have a rotomoulded ski.  They aren't indestructible, rotomould plastic is vulnerable to abrasion damage and cuts. Take care when landing and launching from rocky shores. Also try not to drop your boat!  Good news is that scuffs and scratches can be 'buffed' smooth - use something like the back of a spoon and rub hard and fast.

They will survive collisions and surf much better than a lightweight composite boat.

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3 years 1 month ago #39462 by Agent009
Thanks mrcharly.

Interesting to hear you say that the rotomoulded V5 will surf better than the performance V5. I've not heard that before.. why is that? I'm obviously not complaining if that's true given I'm getting the rotomoulded version!

Sounds like a Euro asymmetric paddle will suit me then. How does this compare with a wing paddle for speed out of interest?

And is there a particular euro asymmetric paddle you would recommend? I'm in Australia and this is the first time I've even heard of this paddle type haha.


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3 years 1 month ago - 3 years 1 month ago #39463 by mrcharly
Sorry, I wasn't being very clear.

They will survive collisions and survive surf much better than a lightweight composite boat.

A wing paddle is typically 5% faster than a standard paddle for exactly the same effort, assuming both are used efficiently.

A 'euro' asymmetric is what most people call a 'normal' paddle. The blades have a slight curve and are not symmetrical. Like this:
Last edit: 3 years 1 month ago by mrcharly.

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3 years 1 month ago #39464 by Agent009

Given the V5 will be slower compared to other epic skis, I like the sound of the epic small mid wing to get a bit more speed (5% extra as you said). 

What are the negatives of using this paddle to catch runners and to play in the surf zone? I know there's not a paddle which can do everything (just like there isn't a ski which can do everything), but even if the epic small mid paddle performs ok in waves/surf zone that may be ok for me.


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3 years 1 month ago #39465 by sea.hag.best.hag
A wing paddle is optimized for the forward stroke.  There are some strokes it can't do as well as Euro or Greenland paddles, such as high brace, sculling, draw strokes, and rolling.  That extra versatility is why whitewater kayakers and playboaters will typically use a Euro blade.  Plus, a Euro paddle will likely be cheaper, so that may be a good choice for you overall.  But if you might consider doing downwind or longer distance outings, go with the small-mid wing.

Current: Epic V8 Pro

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3 years 1 month ago #39547 by the_local_echo
I use a sling to carry my surfski. The SUP sling on its own doesn’t fit, but I loop it over one end, put a luggage strap (NOT a ratchet strap) around the other end, then tie them together. After some practice I now mostly have the knack of adjusting it for a comfortable carry up the hill home without bruises or scrapes to my hip or shoulder - but I am a middle aged woman, and most blokes would no doubt be tougher. Beware of the bow or stern catching the wind and trying to sideswipe things.

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3 years 1 month ago #39549 by Arcturus
How long is the ski that you carry with joined slings? 

I struggle carrying my 17’ ski not because of its (light) weight, but because either end going slightly off level can bump the ground. We do not have sandy beaches here; it’s all hard ground, rocks, or pavement. I am just under than 5’3” in height.

The ski has shallow depressions for fingers to grip the cockpit sides. They are well placed for balance but very shallow and awkward to hold during a hipside carry.

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3 years 1 month ago #39550 by mrcharly
I tried a sling with my nelo 510.

(510cm long, 22kg)

It sort of worked, but was unwieldy in a wind and uncomfortable. At the time I had an 800m walk to the river. 
Used sling twice then bought a trolley. 

Honestly I don't know why all surf skis don't have cockpit handles. They really help with remounting when you are positioning yourself; and of course picking the boat up. (The Nelo 510 has moulded handle that are fairly comfortable but hard for a long distance.)

A sling is ok for short distances and packs away small, however I wouldn't use one in a strong wind; you have little control over the boat. Get a trolley if your boat is heavy.

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