Is this a good price ?

5 years 9 months ago - 5 years 9 months ago #34152 by Dhoo
Is this a good price ? was created by Dhoo
Thinking of buying this used EPIC V8 black tip version year 2016
All scratches are on the pics and nowhere else. Rudder mechanical is in working order.
any advise?
Should I be worry about the scratches?
Thanks in advance.
Last edit: 5 years 9 months ago by Dhoo.

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5 years 9 months ago - 5 years 9 months ago #34153 by kwolfe
Replied by kwolfe on topic Is this a good price ?
That's about $1750 US.  It's  not a horrible price but really not a deal either.  I picked up my first gen V8 black tip for $1500 US.  Are skis not readily available around you?  And I wouldn't worry about the rudder damage.  That's an easy fix with a little epoxy to seal it up.  I would just make sure that the ski is in overall decent shape and does have any soft spots Iooks like it's been dragged on its side a bit).
Last edit: 5 years 9 months ago by kwolfe.

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5 years 9 months ago #34155 by SpaceSputnik
Replied by SpaceSputnik on topic Is this a good price ?
Looks like a bit of a beater boat.
Projecting the price to the Canadian market (as futile as it may be) I'd say there is room for negotiation. Provided all the damage is cosmetic.
However. It depends. If the market is very scarce as it is here, not getting it could mean many months off the water until another boat comes up. I personally wouldn't mind overpaying a bit if it gets me out today. I know that many would disagree.
I would just get a new rudder.

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5 years 9 months ago #34156 by Dhoo
Replied by Dhoo on topic Is this a good price ?
Negotiated the price and they are willing to sale it for AUD$2000 now
The only scratches are the ones on the pictures. 
The codes say EKI2012 and GIP9Z007H516
Here are the rest of the pic showing condition.
Used V8s and V8 Pros are hard to get here and this will be my first ski after the V5. 
Going to inspect it tomorrow.
How do we really check for soft spots? are they noticeable?

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5 years 9 months ago #34157 by kwolfe
Replied by kwolfe on topic Is this a good price ?
That's the 2nd gen with the better bailer.  For $1400 I think are good to go.  Soft spots are easy to find.  Just flip the ski over and press on the hull in a handful of different spots.  You'll feel if it flexes a bunch.  Not the end of the day.  I paddle my first OC1 that had a soft spot.  Didn't really affect anything.  Worse case is it gives you more bargaining room.

Good luck  I had a V8 as my first ski and learned a lot on it. 

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5 years 9 months ago #34158 by Dhoo
Replied by Dhoo on topic Is this a good price ?
Thanks for the advise.
I am going to view it tomorrow with Cash ready.
I guess the scratches on the side of the ski as on the pics are just cosmetic and easy to fix?

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5 years 9 months ago #34159 by SpaceSputnik
Replied by SpaceSputnik on topic Is this a good price ?
The second set of pics looks much better. Nice boat, I wish I had something like that for a first/rough conditions boat.

Hope the acquisition goes well.
A little post-purchase tip. Check if the bottom of the foot plate has the paddling intact. These little pieces of rubber or foam get ripped or unglued and you end up scratching the bejesus out of the surface under. Been a problem with both my boats. On the Evo I ended up sticking a piece of 3m automotive paint protection film under the plate and replaced the stock foam pads with the loop side of heavy-duty velcro recently.

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5 years 9 months ago #34160 by Dhoo
Replied by Dhoo on topic Is this a good price ?
Thanks for the head up, I'll check that footplate.

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5 years 9 months ago #34161 by Fath2o
Replied by Fath2o on topic Is this a good price ?
I would check the rudder for binding when rotated and the rudder tube for delamination/cracks where it penetrates the hull and deck. Looks like it has had some good impacts.

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5 years 9 months ago #34163 by PSwitzer
Replied by PSwitzer on topic Is this a good price ?
Agree with Fath2o, that rudder damage makes me worried that the rudder tube, and hull surrounding the tube, could be breached and take on water.  If you can't paddle the boat first to see if it takes on water, could at least pressure test it and use a soapy water spray bottle to check for leaks.  

This involves blowing air into the bung with your mouth, then quickly sealing it with a plug or tape, then checking around for any audible air leaks, and spraying the soapy water on likely trouble spots to check for leaks.  

The rudder tube is pretty easy to check, ideally take the rudder off, tape off the bottom of the hull where the rudder tube exits, then with the boat upright fill the rudder tube/ tiller bar assembly area with water and check for bubbles.

If the hull is watertight, great!  If it has leaks, those will be a major annoyance at best and you should use that info to knock the price down some more if you don't mind fixing them which is usually not too big of a deal.

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5 years 9 months ago #34165 by Ranga
Replied by Ranga on topic Is this a good price ?
Ski looks good to me. If it was badly looked after the stickers would be damaged. These skis are bomb proof, the damage on the rudder is nothing to worry about, if you are worried they are readily available as spare parts. The marks on the seam edge will most probably come off with acetone.

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5 years 9 months ago - 5 years 9 months ago #34169 by tve
Replied by tve on topic Is this a good price ?
It that a repair at the bottom of the rudder tube? Looks like a different white... (Visible in the 4th and 5th photo of the first post)
Last edit: 5 years 9 months ago by tve.

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5 years 9 months ago #34171 by Dhoo
Replied by Dhoo on topic Is this a good price ?
I went to view it and bought it! :-)
The rudder chips was from hitting the rocks on the river.
There is no other bad scratches found else where nor soft spots.
The rudder mechanical is still solid and no slack when moving it back and forward, and also side to side but there is some slack when moving in up and down which I think is normal.
I didn't check for the leak but I think it should be fine and I can always fix it if there's a leak.
The side scratches was from scratching against the wall when it was stored (againsts a rough wall) in the garage.
Footplate and spring locks are still running quite smooth when adjusting the length.
Final price was AUD$A2200 including an EPIC CLUB Carbon paddle.
It came with the Epic tail flag as well.
The footplate right length for me is on the number 8 but when I set it up on number 8, the bottom of the plate is about 3 cms from the bailer opener! I might put some padding on the back of the cockpit seat  to move a bit forward ... if this is a good idea.

Reason for selling .... the guy has  cancer and he is doing a chemo at the moment so he's having a break from sports :-(
Very nice family! I am praying for his recovery and his health!

Thank you all for your advise.

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5 years 9 months ago #34172 by Ranga
Replied by Ranga on topic Is this a good price ?
If you knew Epics they are all like that at the rudder exit point.

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5 years 9 months ago #34174 by Kean
Replied by Kean on topic Is this a good price ?
It looks like you have a great boat there.  I would not worry so much about the scratches - easily cleaned up with a good polish, or at worst a little gelcoat and fine sanding. 

Rudder repair is really easy and that was covered by others.   Somebody mentioned soft spots - these too are repairable (we recently refurbished 3 very badly damaged Epic Ultras) and by using a resin injection technique managed to keep the weight of the boat still within spec and as good as new. 

One thing I have learned from repairing Epis is that the build quality is excellent and even boats that people might have written off can be given a whole new lease of life with just a couple of days work.

By the way, I think you have chosen the perfect boat to step up to from a V5.  I love the V8 - a great, safe, fast and stable boat that surfs really well too.

Enjoy your new boat and best wishes to the previous owner in the fight against cancer. 

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5 years 9 months ago #34178 by SpaceSputnik
Replied by SpaceSputnik on topic Is this a good price ?
Congrats on the new-to-you ride!
Always exciting.
I wish the previous owner luck in his struggle.

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5 years 9 months ago #34179 by kwolfe
Replied by kwolfe on topic Is this a good price ?
Hey as a side note, unless you are going to be paddling in the ocean, I would consider either cutting down that rudder or getting the epic weedless.  No sense in having all that rudder if you are going to paddle flat water.  Great boat, now get out and paddle that damn thing!

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5 years 9 months ago #34180 by Epicpaddler
Replied by Epicpaddler on topic Is this a good price ?
Congrats on the new Epic. I hope you love it as much as I love mine. I opted for the v8pro and think it's a great beginner boat. Started racing and forgot how fun it is to compete and hang out with like minded individuals. The black tip Epics are super strong. Not the lightest boats, but 1/2 the weight of my sea kayak. 

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5 years 9 months ago - 5 years 9 months ago #34182 by Dhoo
Replied by Dhoo on topic Is this a good price ?
Took the ski out for a test paddle.
used Strava and I got to 13.3km/h max speed.
is that a reasonable speed for the first timer?
it was on the bay with almost flat water.
Last edit: 5 years 9 months ago by Dhoo.

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5 years 9 months ago #34183 by mcbit
Replied by mcbit on topic Is this a good price ?

Dhoo wrote: Took the ski out for a test paddle.
used Strava and I got to 13.3km/h max speed.
is that a reasonable speed for the first timer?
it was on the bay with almost flat water.

That would be a very good speed for a first paddle provided it is sustained over an appreciable distance. Instantaneous gps speeds can be misleading. I tend to judge my progress with average speeds for 5 or 10km.

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