Paddling with rotator cuff injury

1 year 1 week ago #40838 by Epicpaddler
Glad to see you’re back on the water. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

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2 weeks 2 days ago #41262 by mrcharly
I've been paddling a bit more (although short daylight winter days and gales make that difficult).

Still niggling shoulder injury; just get that bit of pain that says not to push effort.

Last weekend I was going for a steady gentle paddle, about 1.5hours. Flat water (as much as the sea is ever flat) with light winds.

Noticed that I was letting my strokes get quite long, not going out. 'watched' myself and I was straightening top arm a bit early.

So, set to remedy this by keeping top arm in the 'bent' position it is in at the catch.

Three things happened:

Stroke shortened and swung wide.
Rotation increased.
The niggle in my injured shoulder disappeared!

I couldn't believe it. Went back to normal stroke; sensation of strain came back. Locked arm in bent position; pain went away.

It is like magic.

Did 8km last night in the dark at what, for me in my boat, is a good cruise speed; no problems. No pain, no strain.

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2 weeks 33 minutes ago #41264 by LaPerouseBay
That's great news.

Ivan has a video on how important it is to keep the elbow bent.

downwind dilettante

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1 week 6 days ago #41266 by zachhandler
Mr charly that is great! I have had that same experience. Trying to paddle with a sore rotator cuff muscle forced me to paddle in a better way that didnt load up those little muscles. If I recall correctly it also involved more rotation for me.

Current Skis: Nelo Vanquish AIR, Epic V10g4, NK 670 double, NK exrcize, Carbonology Feather, Think Jet, Knysna Sonic X
Former Skis: Epic v10g3, Kai Waa Vega, Epic V12 g2, Epic V12 g1, Epic v10 double, Nelo 550 g2, Fenn Elite S, Custom Kayaks Synergy

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1 week 5 days ago #41271 by mrcharly

That's great news.
Ivan has a video on how important it is to keep the elbow bent.

I had that in mind when correcting my stroke. Ivan is well worth listening too; I'm not sure anyone has been as dominant as he was at the marathon distance AND managed a medal in olympic sprint.

Posted a comment about this on a facebook ski forum and a physio/ski paddler responded, saying that the bent elbow reduces the length of the lever, therefore reducing the load on be bicep tendon.

One of my original injuries was a torn bicep tendon, so that matches the improvement.

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1 week 5 days ago - 1 week 5 days ago #41272 by LaPerouseBay
Yes, your long head biceps - the one that connects to the labrum. I tore one about 10 years ago. It's not unusual, mine was not painful, I din't even know it happened. The only symptom was the appearance. Everything else in the area sorta covered for it. I kept paddling right thru it.
Skinny guys like me that did throwing sports, basketball and hockey often have damaged shoulders. Mine were all minor, only one broken bone, no severe rotator damage. but plenty of minor dislocations and tweaks.
I never had pictures taken. Labrum and rotator cuff damage is common knowledge if you dig deep enough into the internet. I"m almost certain I have a smashed disc in my lumbar. My right thigh got sliced to the bone really bad in a skiing accident (missed the sciatic nerve by a whisker). My left collarbone is still in two pieces, right shoulder works pretty good, but it's gritty. Everything heals in time - to a certain extent. We all adjust and keep moving, with a little hitch in our giddyup.
Don't be too hard on yourself if your stroke isn't the perfect K-1 flat water stroke, particularly in the ocean. A blade in the water is not all about forward motion and lift.
Look at Walter Chalupsky's form on this downwinder. (He's the one in the V-9) He's a very experienced ocean ski paddler. He is doing a lot of control work at the end of his stroke - that's why he keeps the paddle in the water so far past his hips.
He's more focused on his weight balance - trimming the ski on the wave. That's ocean paddling. Starts at 10:50.

Recovering from a shoulder injury in the ocean is going to require a lot of discipline not to pull too hard into glides. Good luck.
I heard something pop in my right shoulder about 5 years ago. I was lifting something heavy at work. My massage girl said sometimes thats just an old protective scar releasing because the body thinks it's time - and the rest of the shoulder is ready to cover it. She was right. It hurt a bit, but not enough to stop working. I took about 6 months off the ski (it hurt to paddle) and came back stronger than before. Shoulders are funny that way. Very complex joint.
I don't see her anymore, I'm all fixed up. I went for years and grilled her incessantly about anatomy. I also dove deep into the internet. One thing I remember is that she said the teres minor is a sneaky one. That one would hurt like a bastard when she worked it. She said it needs to release or the entire shoulder will remain tight.
She is a wizard at releasing hidden spots average people never think about. I strongly suggest you get a good massage therapist to get in there and find out what may be out of balance. The key to healing is getting blood flow restored, bones aligned etc. It's really complex. But not for the pros. It's their job. They can feel where that scar tissue is, sometimes ripping it out - for our benefit. They know.
The body naturally wants to re align. It wants flexible joints and long, supple muscles. Our DNA will naturally rebuild damaged areas if we give them enough time. The trick is to stop submitting the area to the same battering that made it collapse in the first place.

downwind dilettante
Last edit: 1 week 5 days ago by LaPerouseBay.

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1 week 4 days ago #41276 by LaPerouseBay
Here's your biceps.

Basic anatomy of the rotator cuff.

Here's what happens when you cheat on your band exercises.

This one begins to show how important it is to have strong, supple rotator muscles. Tight stabilizer muscles will restrict motion and available power. All of our joints have very sophisicated sensors to prevent the big muscles from ripping our joints apart.

downwind dilettante

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1 week 3 days ago #41277 by LaPerouseBay
Here's another example of how ocean paddling can overload the front of a tender shoulder.
As before, it's about the blade remaining in the water past the hips - for control.
The paddler is pushing down, to push his weight back up to center.
Starts at about 1:25.

That is the exact opposite of propelling the boat forward with "good technique"

It's not ideal form, but very common. That's what happens if you are a tad bit behind the sweet spot on the wave.

Keeping the elbow tight protects the joint. But that's the opposite of a nice wide release, lifting the paddle out with the back of the arm...

That's ocean paddling - full of surprises and compromising reactions.

downwind dilettante

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1 week 2 days ago #41278 by mrcharly
Yes - I note that with the top hand dropping, there is a tendency to 'chicken wings' the drive arm (life elbow high), which hugely loads the drive shoulder, is very inefficient, and scoops water with the paddle.

Keeping a very very short stroke and not dropping arms helps with stability and preserving joints.

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1 week 1 day ago #41280 by LaPerouseBay

Keeping a very very short stroke and not dropping arms helps with stability and preserving joints.

Yes, i agree, a shorter stroke helps.

Sometimes a shorter stroke is not possible.

What I'm talking about is a paddler driving the blade deep, say on the left side, then realizing that their center of mass is also leaning left. "lifting the blade out early, to help stability" will result in a capsize.

Sometimes, it's better to leave the blade deep and resist forward motion. A paddler can literally push backwards on the lower hand. It imparts a righting moment on the center of mass, preventing a capsize.

You can see the current ICF surski world champion here, leaving the blade in "too long."
If the ocean is zooming up behind too quickly - his strokes are powerful and he leaves the blade submerged.
He's feeling where that wave is - focusing his eyes forward. He's not thinking about "air time."
If he's going too fast, he takes very light strokes, planting very late. Again, feeling where the wave face is.

Controling one's balance and location on the wave face is paramount in the ocean. Perfect technique comes second.

downwind dilettante

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1 week 16 hours ago #41281 by mrcharly
I used to be a very tremulous K1 paddler. Only just coped with mid-stability K1s in races. Then, for a laugh (I'd already been in the water once), I got in one of the very unstable club boats. And didn't fall in .

Subsequently bought (by mistake) a stab 1 K1.

What I learnt from paddling those boats is that you can 'lean' on a paddle in stroke as long as it is generating power *but only while the paddle blade is face-down or vertical*.

So if the end of your stroke is going out, power is still being generated, and it will provide stability.

Of course, in moving water (flow or waves), the direction of water relative to the paddle can change very dynamically, so the 'purity' of the K1 stroke doesn't always exist.

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1 week 2 hours ago #41282 by LaPerouseBay

What I learnt from paddling those boats is that you can 'lean' on a paddle in stroke as long as it is generating power *but only while the paddle blade is face-down or vertical*.
So if the end of your stroke is going out, power is still being generated, and it will provide stability.

The paddle blade does not have to be face down or vertical to provide forward power or provide stability.
Blasphemy in the K-1 world, but not in ski. Video evidence is easy to find.

Here's Clint, a gold medalist in sprink kayak, world champion downwinder.

That stroke he does on the right at 0:44 is a perfect example. He enters the water nearly past vertical.

If the top hand isn't going across the horizon, it's not wrong.
Nor is it "wrong" to exit the water "late."

Is ideal form better? Yes.
Is it common in the ocean? Not for me. I prefer to adjust my stroke and effort to the conditions, not to what looks good in a gym, or on flat water.

If I was recovering from a rotator cuff injury and wanted to paddle in the ocean, I'd go back to basics.
I'd do these Oscar drills. They break down the stroke, with the elbow tight, shoulder protected.

downwind dilettante

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