The first gen 550 is a very nice surfski but it has its tricks. It's fairly short and has a pretty pronounced flat spot behind the seat. The result is that it tends to kick out under you in waves that come at an angle, whether you're going upwind at an angle to the incoming waves, or you're surfing down a wave at an angle, or a secondary wave hits you from the side.
One of my specialties is falling in when going upwind

and in the 550 when there were some cross-waves I often felt like the rear end of the ski was simply swiped away under me.
When going downwind you need to keep a firm grasp of the rudder and not let the waves & ski decide where you're headed, 'cause that typically ends in a swim

. So ensure you start nice and square to the wave and as you accelerate apply as much rudder pressure as you need to stay square. Once you're more comfortable you can turn and go down at an angle, etc.
Another important thing is for you to make an effort to sit upright. Use your paddle to keep the balance, not the ski. Keep applying power and keep your balance by either pushing down on the paddle or pulling up. Remember, while the blade is in the water and you're applying power it's like in concrete, it's like holding onto a fence pole you can use to correct your balance.
Oh, make sure you're comfortable with remounts. If that's the case, keep up the challenge to master this ski
