Advice welcome re first surfski purchase. :-)

8 years 1 month ago #28240 by David Winterbottom
My wife and I are 52 and have a house on the ocean beach at North Avoca, NSW, Australia. We are seeking to buy our first surfskis. We know how to paddle but only flatwater to date. We will be going out through waves in order to paddle (mainly for fitness back and forth between the Avoca and North Avoca heads - about 1.5km between) We would like to catch a wave or two on the way back in.
So, we would like something reasonably light (15kg or lighter), not too long (preferably under 6.0m), but where STABILITY is the key. We're not worried about speed through the water.
My research tell me that out of the top brands, there are four suitable options:
- Think Eze or Think Ace
- Fenn BlueFin
- EPIV V8, or
- Stella 16, 18, or Racer (SR).
I am 80kg and my wife is 60kgs.
Would love any advice or thoughts anyone has for us re what are the best options, and also if you think out four options above are misguided for what we want to achieve. Thanks in advance.
Rgrds, David

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8 years 1 month ago #28242 by lars eriksson
I have tried the v8 and owned both stellar 18 and fenn bluefin. Of the three I would recommend the bluefin that is very stable, suits both smaller and bigger paddlers, fells nimble in that it accelerates and steers instantly, but make sure you get the bigger surfrudder (not stock when i bought the ski), it makes a big difference. Imo all three above are fine skis that surf great. The stellars cockpit, however, is bigger (more spacious) and maybe too big for your wife. You should try them all if you can before you buy. Happy paddling!

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8 years 1 month ago - 8 years 1 month ago #28244 by Uffilation
All are a good choice for what you are planning, IMO. Bluefin S is the newer model.

You might add
Nelo 520,
Allwave Genesi,
Vajda Next 52 or Hawx 52
OSS 4 ???

I've seen almost all you have listed and those above as 2nd on Aus websites in NSW (part of my vacation planning winter 2017/18 lol).

And not far away, NSW
see fb page, big selection to test out it seems.

I know someone from my country who traveled and paddeled there (1rst link), hence my answer, but otherwise I have no clue about the options in Aus.
Last edit: 8 years 1 month ago by Uffilation.

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8 years 1 month ago #28245 by David Winterbottom
Thanks Uffi. Appreciate that and will incorporate into the search!
Cheers, David

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8 years 1 month ago #28246 by Atlas
Hi David.

Your list of skis is pretty spot on. Of the boats you listed the Stellar SR would be the most unstable in rough water. It's more of a low intermediate / ambitious beginner boat rather than a real beginner boat. It's a really nice ski by all accounts if you can manage it in the conditions you intend to paddle in. The Epic V8 pro is another good looking ski in the beginner / intermediate category. The Nelo 520 is also a really nice little ski. I find it to be very stable although not quite as stable as it's 52 cm beam might suggest. I've never paddled a ski that accelerates faster.

It's the old story; try as many skis as you can. They all have a different fit and different behaviour on the water. What worked for me when I first started may or may not work for you. That FWIW was a Fenn Bluefin. It is a fantastic ski for learning to paddle downwind. Although I mostly paddle a Swordfish S now, I still take the Bluefin out on really big and/or rough days. My partner who isn't a regular paddler has no trouble paddling the Bluefin even in slightly choppy conditions.

Your wife would do well to try the Think Eze because that is a reasonably low volume ski as far as beginner boats go. At 60 kg she will float pretty high and get blown around a bit by the wind in most beginner boats. You might get a good deal on an Eze for her and an Ace for yourself.

Enjoy the search. Adam.

Current boats
Epic V10L Ultra, Epic V9 Ultra, Carbonology Sport Boost X LV, Fenn Bluefin, Nelo 510, Fenn XT double, Nelo 600, Expedition Kayaks Azure, Mirage 732.
Previous boats
Spirit PRS, Fenn Swordfish, Fenn XT, Fenn Swordfish S, Think Zen, Epic V10L Club, Carbonology Sport Boost LV

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8 years 3 weeks ago #28271 by OSS
Hi David,

Paddlecraft in Bayview have OZEAN, STELLAR and I think even FENN; perfect to test paddle various brands.


New, innovative, different!

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8 years 3 weeks ago #28278 by David Winterbottom
Thanks Lars. Common theme is to try every type we can. There are a couple of good specialist outlets in the north where we'll go and do a lot of testing. Good point re the surfrudder which I'll remember.

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8 years 3 weeks ago #28279 by David Winterbottom
Thanks so much Adam. Some really good thoughts and ideas. The Think Eze does look a nice one tailored to my wife, but we'll check it out with a few others.
Cheers, David

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8 years 3 weeks ago #28280 by David Winterbottom
Thanks OSS. We have our eye on Paddlecraft and one other testing centre.
Cheers, David

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