Years ago I "upgraded" from a Fenn XT to an Elite. Didn't take long to find out I made a mistake. The Elite is a great boat, but, beyond my comfort and tolerance level. I've done a few 25 km+ ocean races. No doubt I am faster in an intermediate ski vs an elite ski. Also be aware that a surfski is considerably more stable in fresh vs salt water regardless of conditions. Not sure if this applies here? I would suggest going from an SEI to a V-14 in the ocean is a HUGE step up. Even going from fresh to salt water with an SEI could be a real eye opener. I found an interesting
article/map of ocean salinity levels. Water looks quite a bit denser in Eastern Australia vs California where I am.
Good luck with your journey.
On a side note: Pacific Gray whales migrate annually from arctic seas to shallow highly saline lagoons in Mexico. Much easier for pregnant females to bear their young, nurse, manage and protect them. Gives mom a break after swimming 5000 miles too. For mating whales it just makes it easier to copulate. Paddling with whales is pretty cool too!