After spending the last 8 sessions in a V10 Gen 2, I took a V10 Sport out for an 8 mile paddle today. Wow! A little slower than the V10 for sure, but so much more stable. Instead of being tentative when dealing with boat wake, I was able to power right through it. 100% power on every stroke for all 8 miles. Based on my average speed of 7 mph @ 140 bpm avg HR and the conditions on course (low tide with lots of slow speed shallow sections, windy, up and back x 2 in the Annisquam river), I'd estimate the V10S to be about .5 - .6 mph faster than the V7. I found that the stability was no different than the V8 Pro ... maybe a tad less stable, but I never once felt unstable. Seems like a great do-it-all boat for the intermediate paddler and one that I look forward to taking out into the ocean tomorrow.
Regardless, putting 60+ miles in the V10 has most certainly helped on the progression front. Looking forward to more bucket time in both crafts this fall. Seems like the V10S would be a great complement to a V10, which I plan on using for flat water training and racing next season.