QUOTE "I was also tired of the speed bouncing up and down. The speed changes were consistent for the places I was at on the Pond. Maybee it was shallow in some spots?"
I don't think your problem is green Algae - I think your problem is
"Mud Suck" (seriously!)
What we call 'mud suck' is paddling on a shallowish body of water (a vlei here in S.A.), and then the bottom rises up slightly/somewhat on certain sections of our route, and the paddling becomes tangibly more difficult, and the speed can drop alarmingly!
Your saying (quote above) that the speed changes were consistent for certain places seems to indicate 'mud suck'.
As we can actually see and feel shallow areas on our route (change in water surface/MUCH harder stroke needed/bottom surface can often be seen to be shallower), we compensate to put a few hard strokes in to get up onto/over the obstacle; maybe you could try this for those "consistent places of slowness" and report back.
PS: 'Mud Suck' is a
highly technical term, so you might not find it in Wikipedia!!!