Being a paddling runner, for me paddling is a form of cross traing, ok maybe not the best cross training but certainly should do something for my core, which I need, especially for trails and off trail. I did however run into a perceived conflict: paddling requires maximum rotation for best power sourcing, whereas rotation when running is not only wasteful of energy, it sets up nasty biomechanics, in that trunk twist is translated to pelvic twist and so on down to knees etc. So I would spend a lot of on water time (most of it actually) concentrating on making sure my torso was rotated at least 30 degrees at the end of each stroke, coordinated with pushing with the appropriate leg. Meanwhile, on land, I was paying a lot of attention to minimising movement of my shoulders, everything above the pelvis except arms. When things got a bit pointy (upcoming race, onset of niggly ITB and Achilles problems) the possibility of paddling mucking up my running became enough for me to stop paddling altogether in favour of SUP, which I've been doing for a few years anyway. Okay, I suppose I should be thrown off the forum at this point.
SUP uses rotation as well, but through the whole body and far more power comes from the legs. And in chop of greater than 1ft, you are pretty much in a continuous lunge, especially in surfing position. So great cross training.
The race went ok.
So I'm in a similar upcoming race situation again. But I don't know whether, in reality, paddling really does adversely affect my running. And I really quite enjoy paddling. (Can I stay on the forum now?)
Any of you Ironman or Adventure Racing types, physios, allround athletes, or just folks with opinions have any ideas?
Past skis: Spirit PRS, EpicV10Sport Performance, Epic V10 Elite, Stellar SES Advantage. Current skis: Fenn Elite Spark, Fenn Swordfish vacuum. Custom Horizon, Epic V7