Jantex Super Flex (Orange) shaft for a beginner surfski paddler

1 year 6 months ago #40634 by srullik
Hi everyone,

I'm an Israeli beginner surfski paddler who usually paddles at the sea.

As my first paddle, I was recommended to go with the Jantex GAMMA 730 size with the Orange letter shaft (the super flex).

According to the Jantex website, this shaft is for children...

Since I'm 49, pretty fit (1.76, 74 kg) and in good shape, maybe I should go with the Flexi Soft shaft?

Despite going through some of the threads here, I could not find the answer to my question.

I would greatly appreciate any advice you can provide (:


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1 year 6 months ago #40636 by mrcharly
I see Jantex have changed the naming.

Not sure about that blade size. That is the same as the medium minus, and quite a bit blade for surfski.
I bought that blade size for flatwater, and honestly it is a bit big for surfski, unless you are super strong.

Really, you need to try some blades. A smaller blade won't be a disadvantage long term, and will help when you need higher cadence when putting effort in to catch a wave.

The Jantex website doesn't say that shaft is for children, it says 'recommended for children'. In other words, 'Children should not use a stiffer shaft'. Flex shaft will save your shoulders. Maybe go with Jantex 720 and flexi soft.

Get the adjustment size right. The epic website is good for estimating this, but for your height you will probably paddle with 210cm. So buy a paddle adjustable from 205 up.

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1 year 6 months ago - 1 year 6 months ago #40637 by srullik

I see Jantex have changed the naming.
Not sure about that blade size. That is the same as the medium minus, and quite a bit blade for surfski.
I bought that blade size for flatwater, and honestly it is a bit big for surfski, unless you are super strong.
Really, you need to try some blades. A smaller blade won't be a disadvantage long term, and will help when you need higher cadence when putting effort in to catch a wave.
The Jantex website doesn't say that shaft is for children, it says 'recommended for children'. In other words, 'Children should not use a stiffer shaft'. Flex shaft will save your shoulders. Maybe go with Jantex 720 and flexi soft.
Get the adjustment size right. The epic website is good for estimating this, but for your height you will probably paddle with 210cm. So buy a paddle adjustable from 205 up.
Thanks a lot mrcharly!
Actually I had the chance to use the 730 size and it did required some amount of force, so maybe the 720 will be better.
Regarding the shaft - I think I will go with your advise for the green shaft (Flexi soft).
Last edit: 1 year 6 months ago by srullik.

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1 year 6 months ago #40638 by Bill L

I A smaller blade won't be a disadvantage long term, and will help when you need higher cadence when putting effort in to catch a wave.

Good advice.

Also, I find a smaller blade, with the higher cadence, allows more control/balance in rough conditions.
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1 year 6 months ago #40644 by srullik
So just a quick update on the matter: I've contacted Jantex (who've replied instantly) and this is their answer-

depending of conditions on the ocean
If is easy flat - you can go with 730 and flexi soft shaft
If you go paddling also for harder wavy and windy conditions than smaller and softer shaft recommended

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1 year 6 months ago #40645 by zachhandler
I have the gamma rio small plus (720cm2) on a flexi soft shaft (green writing). I paddle it at 209cm. I am 75-80 kg, 180cm, and my pace in a 10km flatwater race is 13 km/hr for reference.

I love my jantex paddle. But I would not want the blade any bigger or the shaft any stiffer. The gamma rio blade feels bigger than other blades I have paddled of the same surface area. And the flexi soft shaft is plenty stiff. Overall my jantex paddle feels larger and stiffer than the epic mid wing I had before. The jantex is also smoother with a cleaner catch and exit The trade-off relative to the epic for me is that it is not as forgiving and stable in messy water. They are both great paddles. I have never tried the superflex shaft to compare to, but I suspect I would prefer it to the green flexi soft.

Jantex paddle labels seem to reflect the needs of sprinters who prefer large blades and very stiff shafts. I think it is somewhat analogous to running. The ideal shoe for running a 100m dash on the track is very different than the best shoe for running a trail marathon.

Current Skis: Nelo Vanquish AIR, Epic V10g4, NK 670 double, NK exrcize, Carbonology Feather, Think Jet, Knysna Sonic X
Former Skis: Epic v10g3, Kai Waa Vega, Epic V12 g2, Epic V12 g1, Epic v10 double, Nelo 550 g2, Fenn Elite S, Custom Kayaks Synergy

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1 year 6 months ago #40649 by srullik

I have the gamma rio small plus (720cm2) on a flexi soft shaft (green writing). I paddle it at 209cm. I am 75-80 kg, 180cm, and my pace in a 10km flatwater race is 13 km/hr for reference.
I love my jantex paddle. But I would not want the blade any bigger or the shaft any stiffer. The gamma rio blade feels bigger than other blades I have paddled of the same surface area. And the flexi soft shaft is plenty stiff. Overall my jantex paddle feels larger and stiffer than the epic mid wing I had before. The jantex is also smoother with a cleaner catch and exit The trade-off relative to the epic for me is that it is not as forgiving and stable in messy water. They are both great paddles. I have never tried the superflex shaft to compare to, but I suspect I would prefer it to the green flexi soft.
Jantex paddle labels seem to reflect the needs of sprinters who prefer large blades and very stiff shafts. I think it is somewhat analogous to running. The ideal shoe for running a 100m dash on the track is very different than the best shoe for running a trail marathon.

I've paddled yesterday on the Gamma Rio 700 and it felt much bigger than it actually is, so I think you are spot on on the size feeling. I decided to go with the 720 cm2 like you have.
Regarding the shaft - I had the chance today to use the orange shaft and it felt just great so I think I will go with this one.

Thank you so much!

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1 year 6 months ago - 1 year 6 months ago #40650 by Bearded
I paddle a Jantex GAMMA 730 size with the Green letter shaft (the flex), having transitioned (some 6 years ago now) from an Epic mid burgundy shaft, which (the epic), I believe, was 740. The Jantex, although nominally smaller, is much more aggressive than the Epic, also the shaft (green one) is stiffer then the Epic old burgundy.
Basically, I would second everything Zach wrote, especially about the cleaner (and more powerful, in a sense that it makes the water seem like concrete, which is what you want) catch, and also about it being less forgiving, for the same reason (the shape of the blade). The only thing I disagree with (and that is my main point) is that Gamma RIO is the most aggressive blade around. The often overlooked subtle distinction (subtle in the name of the product, not the product itself) is that Gamma (without the RIO) is even more aggressive than RIO. As far as I was able to understand it Gamma is the older design which Jantex kept producing for the sake of the paddlers who had gotten used to it over the years, when they decided to generally switch to the RIO.
Back when I was deciding which of these 2 to buy - I actually paddled with both, for 30 minutes, back to back. Same size mid minus, same green shaft (Jantex didn't do orange back then), same surfski. My conclusion, pardon the tautology, was very conclusive: it was the Gamma for me. It made the RIO look like a compromise between the Epic and the true Gamma. So with that in mind, make sure which of the 2 you've paddled, and if possible paddle the other one as well. Maybe ask Eyal at Surfski Israel in Mihmoret, which is where I tried, and subsequently bought, mine
Last edit: 1 year 6 months ago by Bearded.

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1 year 6 months ago #40654 by srullik

I paddle a Jantex GAMMA 730 size with the Green letter shaft (the flex), having transitioned (some 6 years ago now) from an Epic mid burgundy shaft, which (the epic), I believe, was 740. The Jantex, although nominally smaller, is much more aggressive than the Epic, also the shaft (green one) is stiffer then the Epic old burgundy.
Basically, I would second everything Zach wrote, especially about the cleaner (and more powerful, in a sense that it makes the water seem like concrete, which is what you want) catch, and also about it being less forgiving, for the same reason (the shape of the blade). The only thing I disagree with (and that is my main point) is that Gamma RIO is the most aggressive blade around. The often overlooked subtle distinction (subtle in the name of the product, not the product itself) is that Gamma (without the RIO) is even more aggressive than RIO. As far as I was able to understand it Gamma is the older design which Jantex kept producing for the sake of the paddlers who had gotten used to it over the years, when they decided to generally switch to the RIO.
Back when I was deciding which of these 2 to buy - I actually paddled with both, for 30 minutes, back to back. Same size mid minus, same green shaft (Jantex didn't do orange back then), same surfski. My conclusion, pardon the tautology, was very conclusive: it was the Gamma for me. It made the RIO look like a compromise between the Epic and the true Gamma. So with that in mind, make sure which of the 2 you've paddled, and if possible paddle the other one as well. Maybe ask Eyal at Surfski Israel in Mihmoret, which is where I tried, and subsequently bought, mine

Thanks Bearded.
I didn't even know there were 2 versions to be honest.
Regarding Eyal - I think he doesn't import to Israel the orange shafts, only the green and white ones, and the thing is that I need that longer shaft (210-220) and it seems that nobody currently has them available to sell. Just found out today.
So my options are :
1. Wait for a month or two for a new batch to arrive to Israel
2. Go with an Epic small/mid
3. Or go with the Braca
I will try to test the Epic and the Braca.

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1 year 6 months ago #40655 by zachhandler
I am surprised that you need a 210-220 shaft at your height of 176 cm. What length paddle do you use? I feel like 205-215 has become the standard for ski paddle because almost everybody fits in that range.

Current Skis: Nelo Vanquish AIR, Epic V10g4, NK 670 double, NK exrcize, Carbonology Feather, Think Jet, Knysna Sonic X
Former Skis: Epic v10g3, Kai Waa Vega, Epic V12 g2, Epic V12 g1, Epic v10 double, Nelo 550 g2, Fenn Elite S, Custom Kayaks Synergy

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1 year 6 months ago #40656 by Bearded
That's weird, his club is full of private orange lettered Jantex paddles. But I suppose you've done your homework. Try asking the Amigo club at Mihmoret as well, I believe they import orange Jantex, but they might only do the RIO.. And trust me, the difference is notable. Epics can be got at Captain Jacks anytime, but that's a totally different profile of a paddle, having paddled with it for about 4 years I have to say I'm not a fan.

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