I've had one for about a year. I'm not a marathon paddler. I paddle V1 most of the time and OC1 as well (surfski of course).
It take a few minutes to take on an off, not bad. I am going to replace the handle that they provide as I would prefer something that's more like my V1 paddle. The one thing I noticed as that the way they have you set it up, puts the top pulley a bit higher than I like which makes the catch feel like you are pushing down to much and not catching and pulling.
To solve this, I simply build a box that raises the seat height. Now that top pully is closer to waist level instead of chest level and the catch and pull feel much better.
Plus, the added benefit is you can take it off. I still use my concept as a rowing erg because the workout is so good. Can't ignore the legs and glutes

All in all, it's worth the money. Think about spring for the carbon shaft if you are an OC paddler or just make one.