Wing Paddle Recommendations?

6 years 6 months ago - 6 years 6 months ago #32679 by DrA5
I currently use a Jantex Gamma M wing and a Mid-Wing Epic paddle, but I am thinking of selling both and getting something else. I like the feel of the Jantex, but not the weight. I like the speed of the Epic, but not the feel, as it seems to "cavitate" more, I think due to the 90 degree hard edge on the wing compared to other paddles, as I don't have this sensation with my Jantex.

I am looking at options in the US market, such as Gara, Orka, Braca, etc, ??.

Most of my paddling is inland flat water/lake, with some Great Lakes surf paddling.

I know paddles, like bicycle saddles, are subjective in nature, and what one likes and works for them, may not work for others, but any tips and recommendations are appreciated.

I was considering another Jantex Gamma Rio Medium Minus or Gara Odin. Jantex has so many sub categories of each model its hard to figure out what is what.

Thanks in advance.
Last edit: 6 years 6 months ago by DrA5.

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6 years 6 months ago #32681 by Fath2o
Replied by Fath2o on topic Wing Paddle Recommendations?
I sure enjoy this one! Pretty impressed with it's durability too.

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6 years 6 months ago - 6 years 6 months ago #32684 by nell
Replied by nell on topic Wing Paddle Recommendations?
Along with the Epic small-mid, the smoothest, easiest to use paddles that I've found are the Brasca XI and the Meek G series small. All three are very different designs with different paddling characteristics. I prefer all three with a softer carbon shaft. Too stiff a shaft and the paddle just feels "dead".
Last edit: 6 years 6 months ago by nell.

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  • MCImes
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6 years 6 months ago - 6 years 6 months ago #32685 by MCImes
Replied by MCImes on topic Wing Paddle Recommendations?
@nell, you say all have very different characteristics. Could share any insights about your experience with the different blades and their feel? I have an epic small-mid, but am looking for another small blade paddle and I've considered both you mention. any thoughts are appreciated, Thanks!
Last edit: 6 years 6 months ago by MCImes.

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6 years 6 months ago #32687 by Cerca Trova
Pushing 66 and coming from an extensive sports background I suffer from shoulder issues. Besides correct form, the correct paddle is all important. I have numerous paddles but for me the Braca XI extra light 705 cm 19k soft shaft works the best.

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6 years 6 months ago #32699 by nell
Replied by nell on topic Wing Paddle Recommendations?
The Epic small-mid (and all the epic paddles) are front weighted meaning that their catch has a bit more bite. Most paddlers like this type of blade for racing because it allows for more powerful accelerations and a faster, more powerful higher cadence when you want that. The Epic's other great feature is that it's really predictable and easy to use in moving / rough water.

The Braca XI is similarly front weighted at the catch but due to it's blade twist it takes a different path through the water and seems easier to accelerate and use at a high stroke rate. I find it enjoyable to use on flat water. It's also fast and easy in and out of the water. Personally, I don't think this blade feels very confidence inspiring in moving / rough water - I feel less stable, but others completely disagree. Probably just preference or something.

The Meek G series (I have the small) has a smaller bite at the catch and seems to have its power phase pushed back later in the stroke. This allows you to build up power on the blade microseconds more slowly and carry it further back towards the exit. I'm more of a slow twitch guy and I prefer this blade for general paddling because it seems like it gives me more time to build power through more of the stroke rather than instantly on and off up near the catch. The Meek is also very easy in and out of the water.

There are many examples of each of these types of paddles for sale out there. I've bought and tried lots of them always thinking that there must be a better mousetrap, but I've yet to find one. I can tell you there are many worse and much worse mousetraps. But, there are also many others that look similar and are subtly different in feel and then it just comes down to preference.

One other point is that while it's easy to make a copy of another blade, slight differences in angles (even down to 1/4 of a degree or so) at the shaft to blade junction, the precise radius of the curve of the leading edge and at the tip, and in how much flex and where that flex is, can make one paddle feel average and another feel like magic.

Lastly, shaft flex and how that flex interacts with the blade stiffness hugely impacts the feel of the blade in the water. I don't know much about this, but I always prefer the softest flexing carbon shaft option, and sometimes even that still feels a bit on the stiff side. When I know my preferred length and angle with a certain model but the 2 pc still feels a bit too stiff or dead feeling, then I'll get a 1pc for a livelier and softer feel.
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6 years 6 months ago #32710 by DrA5
Replied by DrA5 on topic Wing Paddle Recommendations?
Thanks Erik . This is the stuff I like. Detailed reviews like this. Wesley has one on YouTube, but its almost a decade old now. Looking for detailed paddle reviews has been skint until this thread and the input posters gave. Thanks one and all.

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  • MCImes
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6 years 6 months ago #32715 by MCImes
Replied by MCImes on topic Wing Paddle Recommendations?
Thanks Nell, very useful reviews

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