Motionize my Swordfish!

  • Rod Thomas
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7 years 9 months ago #28987 by Rod Thomas
Motionize my Swordfish! was created by Rod Thomas
Greetings all!
I have just bought the Motionize Kayak Tracker and am about to fit it on my Swordfish S. Any advice on how to fit it? I was going to put the kayak sensor just forward of the footwell in front of the bungees which seems to be the closest sensible place. Is that OK? Does anyone use the Ram Mount? And if so where do you mount it?
Thanks in advance

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7 years 9 months ago #28989 by WingSuit
Replied by WingSuit on topic Motionize my Swordfish!
That RAM mount was too prehistoric for me. If it wasn't permanently mounted, maybe. Who wants a set of antlers sticking up off a sleek surf ski? Went with a Lifeproof Nuud case for the iPhone. Stuck a Go Pro surfboard safety tether mount on the back of the phone case ( The small round piece that comes with the surfboard mount.) that allows me to put a safety tether on my iPhone so it doesn't go to the bottom should it come off the lifeproof mount. You can stick a lifeproof mount on the back of your phone, and the mate to it directly on your ski, or you can get the suction cup mount and use it on the ski. The stick on mount is very unobtrusive, about an inch square. The phone just Snaps onto the mount, and comes off when you rotate the phone, sorta like a clipless bike pedal. Just make sure you swab all the wax and stuff off when you stick the mounts on. You won't need a dry bag. Use mine all the time and no issues so far. You won't need to access the phone once you launch, it's out of the way but see-able up front on the "bulkhead".
The following user(s) said Thank You: Rod Thomas

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  • Rod Thomas
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7 years 9 months ago #28992 by Rod Thomas
Replied by Rod Thomas on topic Motionize my Swordfish!
Thanks that sounds good. Where did you locate the Kayak sensor?

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7 years 9 months ago #28997 by WingSuit
Replied by WingSuit on topic Motionize my Swordfish!
On top of the deck, just forward of the bulkhead. Couldn't get it centered, there is a ridge there. Called Motionize and was told just off center, on the flat surface would be fine and the Motionize would compensate after a session or two. And it appears to work correctly. Same with paddle sensor, can't get it in the center of the two piece paddle, it is slightly off set due to paddle join ferrule and lever.

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7 years 9 months ago #29006 by WingSuit
Replied by WingSuit on topic Motionize my Swordfish!
In case anyone wants to use Lifeproof system for Motionize, here are pics of phone with Lifeproof and Go Pro tether mounts, Lifeproof suction cup mount (on car, but works well on ski) and smaller permanent mount on surf ski, below Go Pro mount. Motionize sensor is on
The following user(s) said Thank You: Rod Thomas

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  • Rod Thomas
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7 years 9 months ago - 7 years 9 months ago #29007 by Rod Thomas
Replied by Rod Thomas on topic Motionize my Swordfish!
It works! Yeah!
Last edit: 7 years 9 months ago by Rod Thomas.

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7 years 9 months ago #29022 by Nordy
Replied by Nordy on topic Motionize my Swordfish!
Hi Rod,
Fantastic to get that up and running. You could spend hours going through the data after a paddle. For me, any more gadgets and I'd probably fall out the boat!

Are you still paddling up in Miyagi? How are you finding the Swordfish compared to your last ride? Did you get it in from SA or the guys down in Amanico? There were a lot of new Fenns this year at the races around here but no Swordfishes, just Glides and Elites. They look really nice up close. If you're ever down Chiba way, you'll have to come for a paddle in the surf. Hope you are well.

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  • Rod Thomas
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7 years 9 months ago - 7 years 9 months ago #29025 by Rod Thomas
Replied by Rod Thomas on topic Motionize my Swordfish!
Thanks yeah I'm still up in Shichigahama, Miyagi. In the summer we have SE prevailing winds which favors the sort of in and out runs I do on the track. We usually get a good breeze most afternoons. My Swordy I bought from Orka Paddles while in Cape Town in 2015. They packed it really well. I cleared it thru customs at Yokohama and drove it back up! Its a hybrid layup - so its light and strong. Hardly a scratch on it. It doesn't leak a drop after 2 years. I've never seen another surfski-er in Japan. I sold my Vault to a Hungarian resident in Tochigi ken. It was getting a bit difficult to remount in very choppy conditions coz I aint getting younger, but a beautiful boat. Yep if I'm in Chiba I'll look you up. Warm clear water - sounds nice! What do you paddle? All the best!
Last edit: 7 years 9 months ago by Rod Thomas. Reason: additional facts

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7 years 9 months ago #29029 by Nordy
Replied by Nordy on topic Motionize my Swordfish!
Surf ski's were few and far between until about 5 years ago, and now each year, more and more are popping up at races and events around here.
Amanico in Amami imports Thinks and Fenns now. Scofits is still based out there and now there is a new builder in Shizuoka called Hornet Skis who is making some nice looking intermediate level boats. The cost of the Fenns and the Thinks when new are pretty limiting at almost 600 000yen (not including the coast of shipping which is an additional 40 000) , hence the reason I always have so many questions about how you keep getting these lovely boats over here! :-)
I bought a used Think Uno 4 years ago and am still learning how to handle that beast. It is keeping me honest and managing to get further and further out each year.
Like you, there aren't many paddlers here in Chiba. Most are on the other side of Tokyo Bay, so if you ever get down, it would be great to get out with another paddler.
Enjoy the motionized Swordfish.

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  • Rod Thomas
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7 years 9 months ago #29032 by Rod Thomas
Replied by Rod Thomas on topic Motionize my Swordfish!
600,000 yen is exorbitant. I paid 165,000 yen for my Swordfish 2 years ago in SA. 60,000 yen for shipping to Japan, about 25,000 yen for clearing and I suppose about 20,000yen for self delivery to Sendai. A Think Uno is an elite boat and would not be much fun for me. The Swordfish is rock-solid stable. Enjoy your paddling!

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7 years 9 months ago #29035 by Nordy
Replied by Nordy on topic Motionize my Swordfish!
Wow. That's very tempting. I've heard some great things about the swordfish.
Had I found an intermediate boat second hand I would have jumped on it, but unfortunately so too does everyone else. Members from the clubs who stock them (i.e. Amanico) usually get first dibs. So it was the Uno or doggy paddling. It's been a fun learning curve and I'm happy now, but would choose a different path if I had the choice again.

Wow, I can't believe that price. Amazing difference.

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7 years 6 months ago - 7 years 6 months ago #29905 by owenfromwales
Sashiburi Rod and nice to meet you Nordy!

Since I last spoke with Rod I imported a couple of Stellars to Okinawa in December. With the discount from Dave at Stellar, the cost of buying and getting a ski home is about the same as it is for a normal RRRP ski on the US website. Like Rod`s, the customs hit our box for a ¥25,000 inspection fee. All in, the two skis in Advantage layup cost us about ¥230,000 each. The exchange rate at the time was pretty good, maybe $1 - ¥103 or so. Ours shipped to Fukuoka via Pusan and then down to Okinawa on a different ship. We`re hoping to order some more in the near future (as long as my wife doesn`t read my posts here!).

Shun on Amami is importing the Think skis, like Nordy mentioned. I worked out that a Think Ion in Performance lay-up (similar to SEI in Advantage) would cost about ¥380,000 + shipping from Amami to Okinawa.

Mark at Point Watersport in SA is making and sending spec DD3 skis for the lifesaving market in mainland Japan these days. Asking them to throw an ocean ski in the container might be a good way to get a ski here- if it fits in the container!

Rod, I guess it`s Miklos who now has your ski. I nearly bought it last year - until I found out that shipping it to Okinawa alone would cost about ¥60,000. I think he`s still up for selling it though, just in case Nordy (or anybody else in that area) is interested. It did look like a wonderful ski.

Anyway guys, if ever you`re down in Okinawa give us a shout. I`ll leave you with some info on our downwind paddle the day before yesterday.


189cm 90~100kg
Present skis:
2017 Stellar SEI 2G
1993 Gaisford Spec Ski
1980s Pratt Spec Ski
1980s UK Surf Skis Ocean Razor
1980s UK Surf Skis Ocean Razor X 3
1987 Kevlar Chalupsky (Hummel) (Welsh copy!)
1988 Kevlar Double Chalupsky
1992 Hammerhead spec
2000 Fenn copy
Last edit: 7 years 6 months ago by owenfromwales.

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7 years 6 months ago #29912 by owenfromwales
This just posted on FB: 11 spec skis arrived in Japan today, and we even get to see the container they came in!

189cm 90~100kg
Present skis:
2017 Stellar SEI 2G
1993 Gaisford Spec Ski
1980s Pratt Spec Ski
1980s UK Surf Skis Ocean Razor
1980s UK Surf Skis Ocean Razor X 3
1987 Kevlar Chalupsky (Hummel) (Welsh copy!)
1988 Kevlar Double Chalupsky
1992 Hammerhead spec
2000 Fenn copy

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  • Rod Thomas
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7 years 6 months ago #29917 by Rod Thomas
Replied by Rod Thomas on topic Motionize my Swordfish!
Thanks for that post, my Welsh friend! One day I will make it down to Okinawa. Awesome downwind route you've got. I'm very envious. Was that the typhoon that we are having right now in Sendai? Glad you are importing lots of skis. Rod

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7 years 6 months ago #29918 by owenfromwales
Hi Rod,

Same system indeed. We`ve had good wind(s)! for over a week down here, although I only made it out that once.

We only brought in 2 skis at Christmas, but hopefully we can order another 3 or 4 this autumn.

I see from a posting today that those DD3 Spec skis in Tokyo are selling for ¥260,000. That should make for a very reasonable price if somebody were to piggy-back the next container!

Hope you or Nordy can make it down here some day - winter works well too. Constant north winds and water still won`t go below 21C :-)

Happy paddling,


189cm 90~100kg
Present skis:
2017 Stellar SEI 2G
1993 Gaisford Spec Ski
1980s Pratt Spec Ski
1980s UK Surf Skis Ocean Razor
1980s UK Surf Skis Ocean Razor X 3
1987 Kevlar Chalupsky (Hummel) (Welsh copy!)
1988 Kevlar Double Chalupsky
1992 Hammerhead spec
2000 Fenn copy

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7 years 6 months ago #29925 by Nordy
Replied by Nordy on topic Motionize my Swordfish!
Hi Owen,
That looked like a fun paddle! 4.5 meter swells! You're braver than me.

Thanks for the info re importing skis. It definitely seems like the best option if and when I change from the Uno.
What's the paddling scene like down your way? You mentioned lots of spec skis so are most of the paddlers lifesaving guys and girls?
Either way, it must be nice to have the community around you. As Rod mentioned, there aren't many other ski paddlers around here ( strange considering Chiba is a great place for it). They're all mostly over Kanazawa/ Shizuoka way.
What are you paddling now Owen?
Would love to get down there one day. Only problem is, i might enjoy myself so much that I wouldn't come back here. :-)

Happy Paddling mate and nice to hear from another "local."

Rod, I managed to take a swordy out recently when I was in Hong Kong. Lovely boat. Very stable considering the bucket width. I can see why you're enjoying it so much.

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7 years 6 months ago #29926 by owenfromwales
Hi Nordy,

We were in the Bay! It started off dead flat with wind skeeting over the surface, trying to rip away my paddle. After a few kms we had great metre high swells pushing us along. It gradually built as we went across the bay. About three kms from the finish with the bottom getting shallower, the wave were pushing up to head high and a bit, but got really close together and a lot more difficult to ride. Still fun though! Paddling the typhoon swells outside the bay would have been a bold move!

The scene isn`t so big down here, and certainly a lot smaller than that on Amami. There are about three of us on island who like to get out and paddle skis often. There are more OC paddlers about. As can be expected, there are now a lot more SUP paddlers and these guys are starting to look for the fun downwind courses too.

The spec skis are all going into mainland, very few ever make it down here. Most of the spec skis here are twenty years old! Only one or two lifeguard clubs, and they are mostly juniors I think. Some schools do encourage kayak and canoe, but no where as widely as the Prefecture should be doing, considering we have the best weather for it in Japan.

I imported a Steller SEI 2G at Christmas. Had it out about 90 times now and clocked somewhere over 1,000 klicks on it. Really loving it, especially in the downwinds. Would love to get the SEL next, for flatter days. I`ve never tried the UNO, they look beautiful. It must be fun cruising up there on one.

Give me a shout if you do decide to come visit, we can always get a spare ski and paddle for you.

Happy paddling,


189cm 90~100kg
Present skis:
2017 Stellar SEI 2G
1993 Gaisford Spec Ski
1980s Pratt Spec Ski
1980s UK Surf Skis Ocean Razor
1980s UK Surf Skis Ocean Razor X 3
1987 Kevlar Chalupsky (Hummel) (Welsh copy!)
1988 Kevlar Double Chalupsky
1992 Hammerhead spec
2000 Fenn copy

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