Personally I think that some press ups or planks are needed to offset the pulling that our shoulders do. Important to hold good form keep the shoulders down from the ears and pull the shoulder blades together when performing press ups, in fact pulling the blades down and together is probably more important than doing a full press up, can even do the motion against a wall or doorway. So just a small movement of a few inches is needed and good for shoulder health and balance.
Also we were shown a series of shoulder exercises at a camp which should be performed every day in warm up, the muscles that are targeted are very small and done without weights, basically
1: lifting from your groin to a V 20-30x
2: holding your arms in a W and forward and back 20-30x
3: lifting from your groin imagine holding a coke can in each hand to straight out in front and tipping the can empty 20-30x
4: crucifix forward and back 20-30x
5: from the sides to over the head 20-30x
6: against the wall starting from the W lifting to an apex, keeping the butt, shoulders, head inline against the wall, 20-30x
Again the muscles are small and these really help the shoulder mobility and integrity.