Kenny Rice and Stuart MacLaren dominated the Western Cape Double Surfski Championships in False Bay on Sunday, in perfect downwind conditions… Bianca Beavitt and Angie Austin won the Women's title.
“What would happen,” I thought, “if we put the current surfski world champion onto a double with one of the best downwind paddlers of all time?”
Summer is now in full blast and the early exit of Italy from the World Cup; Valentino Rossi’s injury; Ferrari’s F1 woes and the Berlusconi sexual shenanigans have all been put aside and the Italians are making their way to the beach... and surfskis are being tried out and used more and more often.
Wednesday afternoon and I’m sitting at my desk watching the live data from the weather station on Roman Rock lighthouse. It’s 15m/s SE (30kt or thereabouts)... I sneak out of the office early...
[Editor: This is the first of what will become a regular feature; Route Notes that describe a favourite paddle.] For those downwind paddling addicts living in the Southern Suburbs of Cape Town, the Millers Run is the default route in summer when the southeaster blows. Here are some notes on how and when to do it.
False Bay, Cape Town: February 8, 2008.
[Editor: Murray Williams sent us this account of a classic downwind run across False Bay here in Cape Town...]
Gale Force? Interest has been expressed in some quarters as to just how strong the wind was last Wednesday when the Downwind Dash records were beaten. Jean Tresfon, sent us the story of what happened at his factory - which is located near to Milnerton and probably experienced the same wind conditions.
I've been fortunate enough to play in some very strong winds recently - and on Saturday I had another chance to experience a downwind paddle in a gale.
False Bay was covered in breaking 2m waves and the wind, already 30kts, seemed to be strengthening. But the worst problem was that it was already almost dark.
And as I paddled into Fish Hoek at the end of what should have been a classic downwind run, I was frantic with worry - I was almost certain that one of the group was off his ski, in the water, about ten kilometres back near Millers Point.