
Wednesday, 09 May 2018 09:56 | Category : Latest Surfski News

Kenny flew off the line,” said Sean Rice. “I had to consolidate, stay on his wave to the buoy. I knew I couldn’t give him an inch… I went hard for 3km to try to open a gap; looked around, he was still right there!” And what he didn’t know was that “Flash” Gordan Harbrecht was also right behind him…

The paddlers were dicing in the first big international race of the European season: EuroChallenge 2018 off La Vila Joyosa, Spain.

Wednesday, 10 March 2010 08:14 | Category : Latest Surfski News

It’s all happening in Europe – races in Spain, Portugal, Italy and the Netherlands; Malta receives a shipment of skis; Nelo launches a range of skis.  Here’s a round-up of some of the news from Europe…