New - Events Calendar

Friday, 19 March 2010 10:38 | Written by 
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We're finally beginning to make progress in adding value to again.  (We had an unfortunate experience upgrading the site and then have been battling with hackers for the last couple of weeks.)

We've started by launching an open events calendar - open that is to you, to put your events up.

Events Calendar

We've just installed a new events calendar, which I've populated with some of the surfski races that are happening around the world this year.

The great thing is though that YOU can add your own events to the calendar too.

I've categorised them by location eg USA, Australia, South Africa so that the reader can search for races in a particular area.

New events are sent to me for moderating before they get displayed (so that we can check that it's not a viagra sales extravaganza that's being advertised...)

So - if you want the world to be aware of your event, put it on the calendar...  (If you have a great story about the event, complete with good photos, I'll run it as a story as well.)


I've had a number of queries about our classifieds section as in: where the heck is it...?  The answer is that the component that we bought to do classifieds on the old site was not compatible with the new site...  aaaargh.  Happily, they're about to release an upgraded version so we'll have the classifieds back in the next couple of weeks too.

The Shop

While we were battling with our hacking friends, we could not launch the shop properly...  However, it will be up in the near future.


Same here - so much energy has gone into combating our unwanted friends...  We'll be contacting everyone who has asked us about advertising over the next week or so to get this part of the site going again too.