ICF Ocean Racing World Champs - Weather Forecast

The weather sites are forecasting a moderate westerly wind for the ICF Ocean Racing World Championships tomorrow. We look at the forecast wind, waves, tides and currents and what this all means for the paddlers…
The forecasts vary somewhat (WindGuru is now saying due west at 10-11kt) but Windy is calling 11-17kt at slightly south of west.
The air temperature is forecast to be 16-17C.
Windy shows a very small open ocean swell (0.4m/ 9sec period) running in almost the same direction as the race course, but the more important wind waves (0.7m/8sec) will be hitting the paddlers from the right, running from almost due west.
The water temperature is forecast to be 18C.
High tide is at 16h31 and according to the race organizers, currents play a very minor role along this section of the coast in any case.
So – discount any effects due to current tomorrow.
Decisions, decisions
What’s a paddler to do?
“Go west, young man!” was the advice given to pioneers in America – and that might well apply here…
Groix Island might create something of a wave shadow, so it’s logical to predict that the waves might build as the paddlers pass it on their way to the finish.
The best line might be to work right, angling further offshore, before swinging left towards the finish, getting a better angle on the wind and waves.
How many paddlers will gamble on that course? It’ll be fascinating to see the Strava tracks after the race!
The paddlers will line up in knee deep water next to their skis. (The beach is wide and flat, with plenty of room for the 190-odd competitors.)
I would want to start on the extreme right hand side of the line for this one...
Here's the (genuine) link for the live tracking.
There will be video updates on the event Facebook page so watch the event Facebook page as well.
Let the games commence!