Video of the week: downwind in Tarifa

Wednesday, 04 July 2012 14:28 | Written by 
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Video of the week: downwind in Tarifa

This is a great little video from the Epic training centre in Tarifa, Spain.  What stands out for me is the look of the conditions - beautifully shaped, big waves, cracking downwind...  

Downwind Surfski Fiesta

Tarifa is, allegedly, the windsurfing capital of Europe, with high winds year-round.  At some stage there's going to be a surfski race there - and when it is, I want in!

Update: Just heard via the grapevine that there is an event in the works - it'll be a week-long "Downwind Surfski Fiesta" that will include both races and coaching clinics...  more detail to come...

Here's the video: