Draw for the US$20,000 Anchorman takes place tonight

Wednesday, 05 November 2008 05:01 | Written by 
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The draw for the 2008 Dubai Shamaal Anchorman - worth around US$20,000 - takes place tonight at 8pm South African time.

Here's how it will work.

Anchorman 2008!

You draw the winner!

We'll close the entries at 6pm SA Time.

We'll then extract the entries and put them, in random order, into a spreadsheet.  Each entry will be given a reference number from 1 to approx. 800.

YOU will then send us emails to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. each nominating an entry reference number eg "I nominate entry number 321."  Of course at that point you won't know whose entry that is - nor will we.

We will take the email that arrives closest to 8pm SA time - we'll look up the entry corresponding to the number - and that will be the winner.

If you haven't entered yet, you have about 7 hours to do so!  Click here for instructions:


May the best Anchorman (person) win!

Prize for the 8pm email!

We'll send a copy of our cool 2009 Surfski.info Calendar and a set of our ski stickers to the person whose email arrives closest to 8pm SA time...

For more information on the Dubai Shamaal, see: http://www.dubaishamaal.com/

For information on the Southern Shamaal, see http://www.southernshamaal.com/


Entries by Country

No-one can say that surfski isn't a global sport!

Country Entries
Australia 142
Belgium 3
Bermuda 1
Canada 27
Cayman Islands 2
China 1
Denmark 3
England 5
France 10
French Polynesia 4
French West Indies 1
Germany 7
hawaii 1
Hong Kong 4
ireland 1
Israel 1
Italy 1
Mauritius 1
Namibia 1
Netherlands 2
New Zealand 29
Norway 5
Philippines 1
Portugal 5
Puerto Rico 5
South Africa 256
Serbia 1
Singapore 3
Spain 10
St. Martin 1
Sweden 6
Trinidad and Tobago 2
UAE 14
UK 12
USA 148



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