I've been waiting and waiting to see a shark on my paddles, I figured it was only a matter of time, see dolphins almost every time I go out and they generally get the heart racing when they all of a sudden appear alongside you

....then this weekend I finally saw my first shark, although I think I scared him more than he scared me, it was only about a 3 ft reef shark cruising along about a foot under water, came straight under my bow then did a u-turn and shot off, being bigger than him he was probably thinking he would get eaten
We have been getting a lot of great white sightings around the area I live in, mainly by them circling recreational fishing boats in the area, I could go my whole life and be happy not to have one of those circle me offshore.
They used to think they just migrate past our coastline following the migrating whales but some new underwater detectors off our Perth coast has shown there are some tagged great whites that are hanging around our coast for months at a time