New Fenn kayak price in south africa

16 years 2 weeks ago #2714 by Teva987
Hi everybody,
I would like to know how cost Fenn Surfski like Mako Elite ( polyester and Carbon vaccum )when you buy them directly to the Fenn factory.
If you know all the prices of the range of Fenn surfski, please tell me.
You can give me the price in Rand, I will convert after.
Thank you for help.

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16 years 2 weeks ago #2715 by Hiro
Je vois que tu ne laches pas l'affaire ;)

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16 years 2 weeks ago #2716 by Teva987
Et ben non, qui ne tente rien n'a rien.
J'ai pas fais HEC mais toi, quelqu'un d'autre et moi, si on peut avoir la m?me chose pour moins cher, je pense qu'on ira au m?me endroit.
Pourquoi tant que consommateurs ont ral? au sujet de la franchise d'internet: parce qu'il savent qu'ils peuvent payer moins cher m?me en payant les frais de port excessif.
C'est pas que je veux faire de la concurence ? qui tu sais mais voil? je veux payer moins cher car que je sais qu'on peux avoir des kayaks Fenn pour moins cher.;)
Si on se dit non faut pas, ?? risque de merder, les kayaks vont arriv?s abim?s etc.... ?? fera toujours les affaires de celui qu'on ne nomme pas et nous on en sera toujours au m?me point.
Allez salut, bonne glisse ? la prochaine...

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16 years 2 weeks ago #2717 by YBA/Jim Murray
Teva987 is right.
You may buy it in SA cheaper if you have no dealer. But remember the costs of currency conversion,packing, shipping, insurance, port handling,import nauseum.
Local dealers take care of all that- leaving you to paddle. For all of that, and much more, your dealer is entitled to a profit, Without that dirty old profit there would be no lovely boat and paddle for you.
By the time all is said and done, there will not be much saving in trying to buy direct- and that is assuming the builder will sell to you.

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16 years 2 weeks ago - 16 years 2 weeks ago #2718 by superted
Last edit: 16 years 2 weeks ago by superted.

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  • Franklin
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16 years 2 weeks ago #2719 by Franklin
Replied by Franklin on topic Re:New Fenn kayak price in south africa
I'm with YBA
I live in North Florida, USA. We have one ski dealer on the southeast coast of the U.S. that I know of; Bruce Gibson of Venture Sport. Bruce is a great guy. He has been selling skis for 30-35 years and I believe he is a big part of the ski success here? Over the years he and I have become friends. He goes thru a lot of hassles to get boats to the U.S. and gets the boats (colors, options, etc.) that people want (seems painful to me!). He strives to make ski buyers happy and mostly, I believe, his hard work is invisible but evident if you'll really look. He also always buys extra skis so that folks who have never tried a ski can get on one to see if the sport is for them. Listening to his stories, it always sounds painful. But Bruce loves it! People like him MUST make money. They are a very important part of our small sport. We need their support and they NEED ours. These dealers also buy a lot of boats from the manufacturers. It would seem to me that the manufacturers consider them strong allies as well.
Peanut Gallery Out.
Food for thought!?
Franklin Dickinson

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16 years 2 weeks ago - 16 years 2 weeks ago #2720 by superted
It appears Teva doesnt have one from his location. Teva you could try dealing directly with a retailer in SA. Warranty would be the biggest hassle if you ended up with a lemon.
Last edit: 16 years 2 weeks ago by superted.

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16 years 2 weeks ago #2721 by Teva987
We have a dealer but for me it's to expensive. He take a lot of money.
That's why I would like to know the price there is SA directly from the factory ( fenn) but nobody want to tell me.
Why ? I don't know......... maybe.....

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16 years 2 weeks ago #2722 by Hiro
Prix d'un Mako6 Polyester en Afrique du Sud : 7800 R sur

mais aussiCela semble bon march? compar? ? Tahiti, mais deux importateurs hors Afrique du Sud arrivent, apr?s avoir inclus fret, taxes et marges au m?mes prix que Julien... Tu sembles penser qu'il se gave. Si j'en crois les prix suivants, tu vas s?rement penser que tous les repr?sentants Fenn du Monde doivent ?tre consid?r?s comme des voleurs !

En france 1650? sur
Aux states 1875$ US sur

Relis le Post de Franklin... Il dit des choses qui sont int?ressantes.

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16 years 2 weeks ago #2723 by YBA/Jim Murray
Teva, I know your pain- having just bought a boat under similar circumstances.
It looks like no sales competition for surfskis in Tahiti. Are there dealers in Hawaii or New Zealand? What do the OC1 paddlers do for their boats in Tahiti?
Final thought: does the boat have to be a Fenn?
Another final thought: Would you pay import duty/taxes on a used boat that you bought from a friend in, say, New Zealand?

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16 years 2 weeks ago #2724 by Teva987
no all is taxed by customs.

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  • OneflyDiele
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13 years 3 months ago #7958 by OneflyDiele
Replied by OneflyDiele on topic Hello
Very interesting name by the forum

I understand this question. I invite to discussion.

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  • mronhifi123
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13 years 3 months ago #7974 by mronhifi123
Replied by mronhifi123 on topic Re: New Fenn kayak price in south africa
It appears Teva doesnt have one from his location. Teva you could try dealing directly with a retailer in SA. Warranty would be the biggest hassle if you ended up with a lemon.

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