I hate to agree with a Kiwi but may have to in this instance. It did seem so much better when we had just a couple of series to focus on, so that we could prepare for them and save for them, and maybe even have our partners agreement to go in them. Everyone would train for the series and we would all turn up to the event. Now there are so many events that many of us have become flippant with our attendance and the races have been reduced from hundreds to under a hundred. Nowdays, it really doesn't matter if you miss one event as there is another the following weekend. I guess for me the 'special' has been stolen from us

. The Blast's point scoring is definitely fantastic as you get the results by the time you get into the car

and I know he is working on improving it further (like having a separate pointscore for each age group). I also love the emphasis on competitor safety (it is nice to have a race where the safety boats don't hang with the top competitors the entire race -
newsflash, they can paddle and swim guys! maybe take a look at the back occasionally) It wouldn't hurt to take that thinking to the prizes as well. I understand the top dogs have to be encouraged to participate but in reality the same people share the winning prize and dash for cash constantly whilst the rest of us get the odd free sample of boost juice! Each series has it's strong points but they are being watered down somewhat and the pricing is a complete mystery. It seems one week you pay $60 - $70 don't get prizes and hardly see a safety boat then the next week you pay $30 and get showered with sponsors gifts. Think of this from the paddlers point of view. We have a race (almost) every week at an average of $50 a week that is over $200 a month just to compete against friends. I can do that at Rose Bay every Saturday for nothing. Sorry for the rant but once a month would be nice to have peace amongst our fantastic promoters and organizers but hey I am dreaming and that is really not how the market works. In reality the strongest races will survive and we are very very lucky to have so much choice. This is just the painful interum stage whilst we (the competitors) figure out who to support. For me I will support the best organised, best scoring, best incentives best places and best safety. We are very lucky here in Sydney to be able to complain about such an array of fantastic events.