Epic Mid Twist paddle

1 year 3 months ago #40717 by Epicpaddler
Anyone try Epic's new mid twist paddle yet?

Mine was delivered a few days ago, but haven't had a chance to try it out yet. Hopefully this weekend.

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1 year 3 months ago #40722 by Epicpaddler
Replied by Epicpaddler on topic Epic Mid Twist paddle
Had a chance to try the new Epic mid twist paddle today. It was flat water on my Epic v10g3. First thing I noticed was paddle blade felt smaller than my Epic small mid wing. I know it's about the same square inches, so it was just a reaction. Second, the paddle really favors a proper technique, which should help me in the long run. The catch is great, but if you don't plant the blade completely before applying power it gives a nice "kerplunk" sound letting you know to slow down. After paddling almost 8 miles I noticed a light tension in my wrists, which I don't usually get. I think the twist concept is sound, and I'm looking forward to putting it through it's paces.
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11 months 2 weeks ago - 11 months 2 weeks ago #40858 by Selkie
Replied by Selkie on topic Epic Mid Twist paddle
I got my first chance to use the Epic Twist paddle today on a 6-hour touring trip with a chance to switch and compare with my Epic S/M wing. I knew nothing about this paddle. I had not read the promo info or any reviews. Right from the first few strokes, I felt a better catch. This got better the longer I paddled. Those who know me will be aware that I use skis for ocean touring distances. I am not looking for a faster blade. I have loved the Epic s/m wing for its no-fuss forgiving nature and efficient performance. Despite the dedicated racers claiming a wing can only be used in the aggressive high-angle stroke, I have not found that to be true for me or any of the paddlers who accompany me on long trips. This ability to change the angle allows less overall fatigue.
What I found so far with the Twist paddle after a 6-hour paddle is that it rewards best for the correct higher angle, but still forgiving at a lower angle. Looking at the innovative shape and how it enters the catch, it is obvious that it has benefits. Early days, but I think I prefer it to my much-loved conventional wing. This was unanimous amongst all who tried the Twist today.

Surfski Kayak on Facebook
Last edit: 11 months 2 weeks ago by Selkie.
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11 months 2 weeks ago #40859 by Epicpaddler
Replied by Epicpaddler on topic Epic Mid Twist paddle
I’ve got over a hundred miles on mine. I’ve used it in all kinds of conditions. Recently, I compared it the small mid wing epic paddle I used to use. I like the mid twist better. It favors a strong technique, but is forgiving and easy to adapt too. It does seem more efficient.
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5 months 3 weeks ago #41056 by pilotdov
Replied by pilotdov on topic Epic Mid Twist paddle
I tried a friend Epic twist today. I liked it. Forgiving and easier to accelerate with, as compared to my 700 Jantex. Really feels less effort with more results. As a sailplane pilot with some understanding of the benefit of airfoil twist as it pertains to wings shape, this twist idea to change the lift dynamics along the blade makes sense. It does take some getting accustomed to it, and I will want to spend more time with it before a more complete conclusion.

I imagine this won’t be the last iteration of this paddle design from Epic and I’m sure others will follow this innovative design change.

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5 months 3 weeks ago #41059 by [email protected]
I've been using a Mid Twist for the last couple of weeks, going back to my mid-wing every now and then when folks ask to try out the Mid Twist.

For me it's been a revelation. Every time I use another paddle now, I notice the slightly less secure catch; the Mid Twist plants incredibly securely - it doesn't skid at all. (Not that the mid-wing does to any appreciable extent; it's just that for me the Mid Twist feels even more solid when you plant it.)

As others have noted, the stroke feels slightly easier somehow - as of a smaller blade - but I find I'm going the same speed, with less effort?

Using the paddle when doing intervals, I seem to be just as fast at lower power input and faster at high power.

I've used the paddle in all conditions ranging from glassy flat to massive, confused chop and although I've heard that the paddle is less forgiving than the mid-wing in rough conditions, I haven't noticed that.

As others have noted, it does reward a more "formal" stroke and almost seems to encourage it.

Key, I think, to setting it up, is to set the feather about 10-15 degrees less than you would the mid-wing. I was told to do that and it felt right from the moment I used it. I was told that it would take some getting used to, but I guess it just suits me because I enjoyed it from the moment I first took a stroke.

Not going back!

Currently Epic V10 Elite, Epic V10 Double.
Previously: Swordfish S, Evo II, Carbonology Zest, Fenn Swordfish, Epic V10, Fenn Elite, Red7 Surf70 Pro, Epic V10 Sport, Genius Blu, Kayak Centre Zeplin, Fenn Mako6, Custom Kayaks ICON, Brian's Kayaks Molokai, Brian's Kayaks Wedge and several others...

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5 months 2 weeks ago - 5 months 2 weeks ago #41060 by pilotdov
Replied by pilotdov on topic Epic Mid Twist paddle
I've borrowed an Epic Mid Wing (SMW) and the new Twist and will alternate days this week to see how each feels. Yesterday, I noticed that the Twist was a little harder to brace on the left side with the right side 30-degree feather compared to the SMW. Flex from Liquid Surf and Sail suggested that I put a twist on one side and the SMW on the other, and I tried that for a white, but it was a little wonky, and I couldn't feel the difference much because I was just so consumed with them being the different blades.

I think I need to try one paddle one day, then the other the next, and see after that.

Does anybody know what the shaft is on the Twist? Is it full carbon?

Also, why don't they have a 200-210 option?
Last edit: 5 months 2 weeks ago by pilotdov. Reason: more to say

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5 months 2 weeks ago #41061 by pilotdov
Replied by pilotdov on topic Epic Mid Twist paddle
Here's a visual comparison of the Epic Twist, the Epic Small Mid Wing, and a Jantex Gama 700.

Notice how flat and less scoopy the SMW is as compared to the other two. From this I can see why the SMW is so forgiving since it will move less water and be less grabby.

What do you all think?

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5 months 1 week ago #41066 by CrabStick
Replied by CrabStick on topic Epic Mid Twist paddle
Thanks for the comparison images. The Epic mid twist looks like it has a little more twist than the Jantex Gamma and a little more curvature along the middle part of the length of the blade. The Meek paddles website is very helpful at demonstrating and explaining the characteristics of their 3 different blade shapes: parallel edge, teardrop, and twisted teardrop. Thanks Chad, love your work.
I don't understand how there could be lift (?Bernoulli) when there is minimal water flow over the blade.

CrabStick, Perth Western Australia
Current Boats: Epic V9 ultra, Fenn Swordfish S, Fenn Spark S
Previous: Think Eze, Stellar SR, Carbonology Boost LV, Fenn BlueFin S

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5 months 1 week ago #41068 by mrcharly
Replied by mrcharly on topic Epic Mid Twist paddle

Thanks for the comparison images. The Epic mid twist looks like it has a little more twist than the Jantex Gamma and a little more curvature along the middle part of the length of the blade. The Meek paddles website is very helpful at demonstrating and explaining the characteristics of their 3 different blade shapes: parallel edge, teardrop, and twisted teardrop. Thanks Chad, love your work.
I don't understand how there could be lift (?Bernoulli) when there is minimal water flow over the blade.
Bernoulli is disputed as a mechanism, I believe.

Effects more caused by deflection of flow. Even with a slight outward movement of the blade the forces are quite strong, so I think that definitely happens.

With a non-wing euro blade, as you pull the blade, the water flows off one side and the other (which is why you need non-round shaft, to prevent paddle twisting).

With a wing, the off-flow happens in one direction only - there is a preferential side. The scoop of the blade redirects that flow towards the back of the boat, creating a more efficient stroke (less turbulence around the blade).

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5 months 1 week ago #41073 by TomVW
Replied by TomVW on topic Epic Mid Twist paddle
Just got a new Epic Mid-twist and I totally agree with Robin: same speed with less effort.

The paddle really shines when I focus on shortening my stroke and letting the paddle go a bit wider than the small-mid wing I was using before. I do a lot of long-ish distance paddles on flat water at a constant tempo, so I do tend to use longer strokes than I should...

I also think the advantage of wing paddles in general and twisted-wings in particular are due to flow deflection rather than lift provided by flow over the blade. Since the path of the blade tip in the water is longer than the path of the blade top, it makes sense that a twisted blade is more efficient, as the flow would be deflected evenly over the length of the paddle.

Can't say I noticed a more planted feeling at the catch, though, but that could just be me.

In any case, I am very satisfied with the mid-twist as it lets me paddle longer, with less effort, at the same speed (which, in my case is about 10km/h if it matters)

I will try Robin's recommendation to decrease the offset to see if that helps.

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5 months 1 week ago #41077 by [email protected]
I've done a couple more paddles with the Mid-Twist and then had to give it back (it was a demo unit and I held onto it for as long as I could, haha).

I took my new V10 elite out in horrendous sea conditions - left over confused swell from a storm - that was so rough I was unable to catch any runs even when a wave happened to go briefly in my direction...

I ended up being smashed in the shore break, losing my hat (and my composure - I thought I'd broken the boat). Why was I out there? I was just desperate to get the ski wet - and didn't really appreciate what mayhem was happening until I was out there.

But... back to the paddle. I didn't feel the least bit uncomfortable with the Mid-Twist - taking all kinds of brace strokes and forward strokes in the crazy conditions. I made a very few high brace strokes, but I remember thinking that at least one of the high braces felt a bit skiddy...

The next paddle was in much nicer conditions - a gentle onshore breeze, kicking up small runs. I was late for squad training and ended up chasing them out to sea for 5km. I met them coming back and ended up in a flat-out dice with a buddy coming back.

Between paddling hard out and flat-out back, I averaged 11.8kph - pretty phenomenal for me. I really think this paddle makes a difference to my performance.

Upshot: I've ordered one and it's in the air as I write this.

Currently Epic V10 Elite, Epic V10 Double.
Previously: Swordfish S, Evo II, Carbonology Zest, Fenn Swordfish, Epic V10, Fenn Elite, Red7 Surf70 Pro, Epic V10 Sport, Genius Blu, Kayak Centre Zeplin, Fenn Mako6, Custom Kayaks ICON, Brian's Kayaks Molokai, Brian's Kayaks Wedge and several others...

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4 months 2 weeks ago - 4 months 2 weeks ago #41102 by zachhandler
Replied by zachhandler on topic Epic Mid Twist paddle
I have had a midtwist for a year. Before that I was on a jantex gamma 720 for several years and before that an epic mid. I did not have the luxury of trying the midtwist before I bought it. If I had, I would not have bought it, because I really hated the paddle at first. But I knew that it takes time to adjust to new blades, and since I have immense respect for Greg Barton, and great faith in him as an engineer and designer, I resolved to give the blade at least 6 months of exclusive use before casting judgement.
My main gripe with the mid twist was that the catch felt very hollow. With the gamma my catch felt instant, silent, and powerful. With the midtwist it was the opposite - late, loud, and weak. While I loved the firm power in the mid and late phase, and was very happy with the clean exit, I just could not warm up to the catch. I know Barton had said it would take a few sessions on the water to get used to the midtwist, but my brain is slow when it comes to learning new techniques, and it probably took me 3 to 4 months to fully adjust to the catch.
A year on I really like this paddle. My catch is still not as satisfying as it was with the gamma or the epic mid. I think that is an inevitable consequence of the highly twisted blade, as only half the blade is facing the correct direction at the catch. The trade-off is that half of the blade is facing the correct direction late in the stroke, which is in contrast to a non-twisted blade in which none of the blade faces the right direction in the second half of the stroke.
I am not faster with the mid-twist than I was with my previous paddles, and I don’t think I am more efficient with it either. What I am with the mid twist is less sore, and as a middle age paddler that is a big deal. Rather than having my bottom-hand shoulder shock-loaded abruptly at the start of the stroke (when the shoulder is in an extended and weak position), my shoulder feels protected with the midtwist. The force builds gradually and peaks when my shoulder is retracted into a stronger position.
As far as rough water, the mid twist has no bad manners. Like the original epic blade, it is forgiving of sloppy strokes, with no tendency to dive under the boat or twist in the water. The only downside in rough water I can foresee is that if your balance is really being challenged, and you take a panic stroke to save yourself from going in, you really want that catch to feel rock-hard the moment the blade touches that water, not midway through the stroke. Personally I have not been in that situation with the midtwist, where the softer and later catch fails to keep me upright. But I can imagine the midtwist being less beginner-friendly than the regular epic if the person holding the paddle is really flailing.
It has taken me a long time to adjust to the midtwist, but now I really like it and would buy another if I lost mine. In contrast to the experience reported by others, I have not experienced a performance benefit with the paddle. What I have experienced is less wear and tear on my shoulders, and at this point in my life that is much more valuable than a small gain in speed or perceived efficiency.

Current Skis: Nelo Vanquish AIR, Epic V10g4, NK 670 double, NK exrcize, Carbonology Feather, Think Jet, Knysna Sonic X
Former Skis: Epic v10g3, Kai Waa Vega, Epic V12 g2, Epic V12 g1, Epic v10 double, Nelo 550 g2, Fenn Elite S, Custom Kayaks Synergy
Last edit: 4 months 2 weeks ago by zachhandler.
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4 months 2 weeks ago #41103 by Steve Hansen
Replied by Steve Hansen on topic Epic Mid Twist paddle
My first wing paddle some 25+ years ago was a one piece Canoe Concepts from South Africa. I suspect it was a low end model considering what I paid for it. The shaft was VERY flexible and I really liked that feature. Ultimately I moved on as it wasn't adjustable and the blade was too big. I now use an Epic club carbon but it's not nearly as flexible.

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