V10S bailer

10 years 9 months ago #20790 by surfskiforfun
V10S bailer was created by surfskiforfun
How fast do you need to go to empty the V10S for water?
I just got one, and it seems like more water comming in then out when i paddle flat water...

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10 years 9 months ago #20793 by GAvC
Replied by GAvC on topic V10S bailer
I assume your talking about the old V10s. I used to find at around 10kph you would be fairly dry. On flat water I would block the hole with a bung made from closed cell foam. On the latest models the new Epic bailer is awesome, fully open it will suck the cockpit dry between 6-7kph then can be closed with your heel.


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10 years 9 months ago #20797 by surfskiforfun
Replied by surfskiforfun on topic V10S bailer
I am talking about the new type. It is cold in he water, so I have not fiddle to much with the bailer. I tend to fall out if I fiddle with the bailee...
So far I have closed the bailer, but after 10 km, I get water in the cocpit. i tried to have it one click open, but it seems like more water comes in then our. i just started eith surfski and do not manage more then 10 km/h as top speed. For flat water, do you suggest one click or fully open, when I avrage 9 km/h?. Do you have the bailer open all the time at flat water, or close it after the water is gone?

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10 years 9 months ago #20798 by GAvC
Replied by GAvC on topic V10S bailer
I keep it closed on flat water, sure it's not totally waterproof but should be good for at least an hour. Once your balance improves you should only need to fully open it for a few seconds to remove any water. You do notice the extra drag when fully open. When paddling open ocean, it depends on the conditions and how much water is coming on board. It does work a lot better when your catching runners. Trial and error


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10 years 9 months ago #20799 by Ranga
Replied by Ranga on topic V10S bailer
The main purpose of a closing bailer is drag reduction. So keep it closed as much as possible and when you open it have it open as short as possible.
On flat conditions you will always get water in the cockpit from others splashing and yourself. I open it as soon as I feel there is enough water to warrant the weight disadvantage against drag. Most of this is in my head but we all cant be strong willed to think a few Milliliters will slow us down. I kick it fully open with my heal for a few seconds and then close it.
To kick the handle you will need to put a squash ball over the handle to cushion your heal. Cut a small slot in a squash ball and fit it over the handle, very simple but very effective.
Using your foot will help your stability as you will not have to let your paddle go to operate it.

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10 years 9 months ago #20800 by surfskiforfun
Replied by surfskiforfun on topic V10S bailer
It worked well when I kicked the bailer fully open for a few sec, end then closed the bailer with my foot!.
I had a blast in chop conditions. Had a couple of swim when i tried to turn and go back again in the chop. Really fun to try small downwind, and feel the cockpit be filled with water...
Thanks for good info.

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10 years 9 months ago #20801 by Kocho
Replied by Kocho on topic V10S bailer
Yup, that's how I use mine too - keep it closed on flats, open fully for a few seconds to empty, then kick it closed again. If it is partially open, it works worse than the older venturi style and only makes sense to have it like that for downwinders.

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