force field for beginner

11 years 5 months ago #18216 by alelele84

my name is alessandro, I write from sicily.

Since few months I have sot hobie tandem but I'd like to have a surfski.

With my 4.27 x 0.88 m sot I go in flat water but also in wave and little surf. So I'd like a kayak fast in flat and funny when sea is angry; surfski seems perfect.

I saw lots of reviews and the fenn xt seems good to begin with ski.
I could have one for 1650 euros but I'd like to spend less.

I found in a web site a force field lifesaving ski for 450 euro. Someone knows this ski? Is it suitable for a beginner?

I'd like fast but also stable ski.


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11 years 5 months ago #18217 by alelele84
Replied by alelele84 on topic force field for beginner
I want to know if someone knows this boat but also if the fenn xt is good or if 1650 euro are more expansive and is better try a used boat.

Or if in italy is possible to have some other surfskies cheaper than the xt but as good as it.

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11 years 5 months ago #18220 by Stew
Replied by Stew on topic force field for beginner
That looks like a circa 2000/01 Force Field. I had a few mates paddle them, one got a silver at Aussies in the open ski on that design. If it is the same shape, it's a fast spec ski, and a little tippy from memory. I never had one, or paddled it to advise you, just going on conversations at the time.

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11 years 5 months ago #18223 by alelele84
Replied by alelele84 on topic force field for beginner
Do you think that it can be a good boat for a beginner or it's difficult to stay in or to remount?

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11 years 5 months ago #18228 by richardh
Replied by richardh on topic force field for beginner
Hi Alessandro.
My first glass surf ski was based on a spec ski and blogs described it as faster than an XT but slightly tippier. In reality, for me, it was faster but a whole lot tippier. I now paddle an older XT and really enjoy it.

I think you will find that unless you have good balance the spec ski will be tough.

A swordfish paddling friend borrowed my XT and paddled his usual course in sloppy conditions faster than his usual ski!
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  • grasshopper
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11 years 5 months ago #18229 by grasshopper
Replied by grasshopper on topic force field for beginner
I'd recommend you go for the stable ski, I've never paddled the Forcefield but from what Stew says suspect you would have a lot of trouble learning on it and would be much better off going for the XT or similar.

I started in a tippy spec ski (lifesaving ski) and really struggled, it wasn't till I borrowed a friends XT that I really started improving, I sold the spec ski and bought an Evo and really enjoyed it. Now I can comfortably paddle the same model of spec ski I had originally in all conditions.

Don't know on prices and availability in Italy but some other stable skis to look out for are -
Think Eze and Evo
Epic V8 and V10sport
Custom Kayaks Horizon
Stellar SR
Huki S1R
Vajda Oscar

Some are more stable than others and it also depends on your size and weight, always best to try them out and see what feels comfortable. If you can't paddle it comfortably in flat water than it's likely too unstable.

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11 years 5 months ago #18237 by alelele84
Replied by alelele84 on topic force field for beginner
Thank you for your answers.

What's the meaning of tippy? I understand that is unstable.

You confirm my idea that I have to start with a ski like fenn xt or honcho guru.

The matter is that in Italy surfskies are fews and it's difficult to find a cheap used ski.

The forcefield that I posted cost 450 euro vs 1400-1700 of a new boat. Instead if it is tippy and difficult that is not a good idea...

I will take lots of time to try a ski and to find a cheap ski.

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11 years 5 months ago #18241 by Ric
Replied by Ric on topic force field for beginner
Of all the boats on this thread - choose the XT.

Other good boats for beginners:
Fenn Bluefin
Custom Kayaks Horizon
Epic V8

I do not think you should buy such an old boat as the Force Field. I think it is too expensive for such an old boat.

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11 years 5 months ago #18248 by alelele84
Replied by alelele84 on topic force field for beginner
What about Honcho Rookie? Is it difficult for a beginner?

I never paddle a surfski or a k1 but I think that I could learn fast.

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11 years 5 months ago - 11 years 5 months ago #18252 by Watto
Replied by Watto on topic force field for beginner
I love my Honcho Rookie, solid and reliable friend as first molokai ski. My second purchase (the wife after the girlfriend) is an Excel Stellar SES at 7kgs lighter, significantly easier to remount and only marginally less secondary stability. It is much faster upwind, downwind and on the flat. Non-paddling mates cope better in the SES than the Rookie.

My take on the Rookie is that it's between intermediate and advanced rather than beginner to intermediate. It is a solid performer but maybe a bridge too far for you at this point.

Depends though. Other day off Hillary's Marina, Perth, gusting 28 knots with refracted waves and steep swells I struggled getting out and had a couple of swims over an hour or so of ins and outs. Unquestionably I would have been more comfortable and faster in a more stable boat than the SES. My pathological stupidity however overwhelms good sense and I enjoy the challenge of mastering those conditions (indeed did tonight @ 14-20 knots).

Point is, for some people a tippy-ish ski is not a bad thing, because it can develop your skills and you adapt and improve. For others though a more stable boat helps build basic skills. It depends on the learning curve and your attitude.

Small steps, unless maybe you little bit silly too.
Last edit: 11 years 5 months ago by Watto. Reason: Added subtracted.
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11 years 5 months ago #18258 by FAMAGUCHI
Replied by FAMAGUCHI on topic force field for beginner
Hi, Not sure if anyone else mentioned it but the boat you show has a fixed non adjustable leg length. A correct fit (leg length) is critical or you will be unstable. Build out pads are not that good a solution as the bigger the pads the more your legs are back up the tube and higher above the centreline affecting stability. The XT has the big advantage of having a single footwell with adjustable pedals and that is by far the best as the boat then fits correctly and your feet are positioned together really low in the boat giving maximum stability. If the boat fits OK then all very well but it will never be as stable as a single footwell boat and will spit you out when the going gets tough. Best regards in Sicily. (my grandparent emigrated from the Aoelian Islands of Sicily 100 years ago.
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11 years 5 months ago #18261 by alelele84
Replied by alelele84 on topic force field for beginner
Thank you for your answers.

I won't buy the forcefield... It's tippy and with fixed pedals and it is not for me.

I have readind up and down the forum and I learn that for a beginner is better a fenn xt, honcho guru, epic v8, horizon.

So I'll take my choice on the basis of used market in Italy. That's small but until next summer I could find something.

In my opinion I'd like the xt because I read that it is a real surfski, fast and good in waves; instead epic v8 is a way to pass by seakayak to ski. The honcho guru seems good too.

I'd like a ski that enjoy me and when I want upgrade I would held it for my girlfriend or my family.
Of course If I would not upgrade the xt is a very ski and not a "sot sea kayak".

This winter I'm going to find a good cheap used ski...

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11 years 5 months ago - 11 years 5 months ago #18262 by alelele84
Replied by alelele84 on topic force field for beginner
My problem is that here there are not ski so i can't test them. So I must use forums and reviews to learn something and then make the less risky choice.

Maybe at 150 or 300 kilometres from my home. Sure until next summer I'll try.
Last edit: 11 years 5 months ago by alelele84.

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11 years 5 months ago #18303 by aperfectimperfection
Alessandro, my advice would be to stay away from the force field. I have one that I bought very second hand and fixed up as a trainer - I am a fishingski angler and have an Eric's pro560 that'd just too heavy to cart around to local flat water for a session. The forcefield looked like a good choice, but honestly, I can't stay on top of it for more than a mile of flat water without coming off. It is very tippy, mostly due to the very round bottom. Rather look for a more modern ski, the wedge/hammerhead skis have had their time and have been improved on a lot. Why not try a stealth strika, it's cheap and a great ride. Good luck!

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11 years 5 months ago - 11 years 5 months ago #18306 by alelele84
Replied by alelele84 on topic force field for beginner
Strika seems interesting.

My matter is distribution in europe and specifically in Italy. Those boats are producted in south africa or australia and to Italy shipping cost are very expansive.

I can have (as I wrote up) the fenn xt for 1600 euro (ship included) but I would try a used boat under 1000 euro.

At the moment the fenn xt is the cheaper between the ski that I can buy from Italy. Only the seabird cost 1350 euro + shipping.

Alternatives are: fenn xt; honcho guru; honcho guevara; epic v8 o v10 sport (expansive); stealth strika; horizon.

Now I'm waiting the good offer and if I can I try a surfski in a club in Palermo.

Thanks for answers.
Last edit: 11 years 5 months ago by alelele84.

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11 years 5 months ago #18309 by outriggerbev
I also learned on a Force Field and for 450 euros could think of a mile of better options.

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11 years 5 months ago #18310 by alelele84
Replied by alelele84 on topic force field for beginner
Epic v10sport is very very beautiful! I like it very much!

In italy 2000 euro + shipping (new) but it's for intermediate paddler...

I found a honcho rookie used 600 euro but it's intermediate too.

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