Your thoughts owenw and others. At present honeymooning my SES Excel 10.9kg sweetheart (two races ten paddles and no spills) but yet to be tested in big downwind, however am very keen to purchase a step down in speed for a step up in stability for mates, me warf, son, nephew, girlfriends
etc. Paddled a Swordfish briefly couple of weeks ago (Carl's boat who was paddling with Ski Chick of this forum) and found it brilliantly stable, all things good. Accidentally happened on DD3 link just now and see this as a possible contender. Your views owenw? Given potential paddlers likely to be upper end novices what do you reckon for river paddling? Ocean paddling downwind? Specs look really good and some of the skis are quite sexy. What do you reckon? Looking at the Australis which seems to be the closest Swordish equivalent.