Spirit Surfski versus Spirit PRS

  • AR_convert
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  • Brett McDonald previous forum name :Pilbaralad
14 years 7 months ago #4790 by AR_convert
Has anyone owned and paddled both these boats.

I am keen on adding a faster plastic than my Finn Affinity to the boat collection for river based adveture races, the type where you are up and over logs, over weirs etc. I understand the PRS is longer than the racing ski and should be quicker, but the shorter racing ski may be better for our small rivers / tight turns in WA. Is the PRS a huge amount quicker?

Always looking for the next boat :)

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14 years 7 months ago #4791 by richardh
Hi AR_convert.

I've paddled an Afinnity in the Avon Descent a few years ago and recently paddled the Finn Molokai - similar in length and speed to the PRS.

In my experience, there is a huge difference in speed (for effort) between the Afinnity and the Molokai, in fact, there is a large speed difference between the Finn Endorfinn and the Molokai.

Here is a 'review' by a mate of mine after I prompted him for some comments and a comparison. He owns a Finn Molokai and used a PRS in a river race. He's probably a 'B+' grade paddler. I hope this helps!

Great race on Sunday. I did a little better than I expected to do and got a second place in the 40+ category.

The bloke that beat me was paddling a Molokai and I was level with him until the last 5kms.

The PRS is a nice boat. It feels like a real ski, similar to the Mentor. The stability is better than the Molokai but I found it behaved like the wave hopper in the wash, slewing around all over the place. The steering is shit.

It has a high cruising speed. 10.5-11km/h which is great but if you want to push it past that it takes a lot of work.

Overall it was more difficult to paddle than the Molokai and it seems to take more effort to paddle at the same speed.

I reckon if I paddled it a lot I would get used to its little problems.

If I already owned a PRS I wouldn’t sell it for a Molokai. Just work a little harder on my fitness.

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14 years 7 months ago #4794 by AP @ Mossy
I own a spirit racing ski and have paddled a PRS a few times.

The PRS is much quicker and feels more stable than the racing ski. Around my regular 5km flatwater course it's at least as quick as my glass spec ski.

The shorter ski is fantastic in the surf but doesn't have the length for the flatwater.

If you get a PRS make sure you get the metal rudder pedals as the plastic ones just flex.


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14 years 7 months ago #4795 by beejay65
AR_Convert I own both the racing ski and the PRS. I originally bought the racing ski for my first A/R race (Anaconda). My ski buddies all got PRS skis.

I made the mistake of hopping in a PRS after only paddling for a month or so. After about 3 minutes in the PRS I had decided to buy one. I still have the racing ski which the wife uses.

Both skis having the stainless trailing rudder.

Heres what I see as the key differences.

The foot well and seat are about 100mm lower in the PRS (not exactly sure but thats how much it feels). I am 185cm and 100kg so I need my centre of gravity a bit lower. I was immediately taken by how much more stable the PRS is both initially and secondary.

The PRS cuts through the chop better and doesn't bounce around as much. Although I must admit I haven't paddled both skis in the same session.

One negative to the PRS is that the wind does blow it around a bit. The higher bow seems to catch the wind easily.

I feel like I am going faster in the PRS and to me that means I am going faster (I need every bit of help I can).

If I was looking at either I would spend the extra on the PRS for sure.

I am now looking for a glass ski to upgrade to but will keep the PRS for the Avon etc.

Hope this helps :)

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  • Brett McDonald previous forum name :Pilbaralad
14 years 7 months ago - 14 years 7 months ago #4796 by AR_convert
Thanks for the feedback guys, much appreciated. :)

I had suspected as much as what you have said. ;)

I havent considered the molokai due to it's sacrifice of stability for speed and the rumours I had heard that the early light ones were a bit suspect as far as longivity is concerned (meant to be rectified with new heavier built model).

I still wouldnt consider the new Molokai due to the price tag and it's tippyness.

I had paddled a PRS and found it very stable but just wondered how it compared to the shorter (and cheaper) Spirit racing ski.

If we are only talking .5 km/hr then I would probably just get the racing ski as the price difference 2nd hand is still quite big from what I've seen, plus the fact I will only race a couple of races on it a year and apart from that, mucking around with it in surf...... I have the V10L for ocean going stuff. :woohoo:

Now that there is a lighter PRS model out I may be able to pick up a 2nd hand one at a good price, perhaps after the Avon descent.

Always looking for the next boat :)
Last edit: 14 years 7 months ago by AR_convert.

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