Convert Millennium to single footwell

15 years 8 months ago #3448 by postal256
Has anyone here done a conversion to single footwell on a Fenn Millennium? Any advice? is it going to compromise boat strength to cut out stringer through that area? Pics would be great if you have them. Just toying with the idea and wanted some experiences/photos.

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15 years 8 months ago #3449 by nell
I have not seen a conversion done, but think it might result in a nice ski. I would think it would be strong enough for most paddling, but then again, I'm not the one to say, as I have difficulties putting two pieces of Lego together . . . You might not get a sense of how strong the mod is until after it's complete.

Swap out the stock rudder for something a bit more effective - that early Fenn rudder was really "drag-y" while turning the ski.

Please post some pics and a report if you get the conversion done.

ERik Borgnes

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15 years 8 months ago #3451 by StuG
I converted my millennium to a single footwell 1 year ago.I took the time to create a mold and made a carbon part that fit perfectly and works unreal.The foot plate is fixed-no adjusting-for someone about 6'2'.The boat is more stable and it is my main training boat-I had to create a cowling to keep water out when it's rough.The gunnels on this boat are a bit low,so I added about 1 inch of foam on to it.I use a 10 inch deep rudder I shaped.I gave K. Fenn a template a few molokai's ago and he shortened it and is now their current rudder on the 6 and elite.The longer rudder tends to take out some of the roll the boat has.All in all this is my favorite boat that I have.Good luck !Aloha-Stu

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