Well - sale went through a couple weeks ago for my stellar SES 2G excel layup
My previous first ski was a v7 - this was a big leap
My first 10 minutes on it was with a bunch of onlookers - I was so tight and nervous and stability was horrific.
Then my first “real” session this week on Monday I felt waaaaay better - I knew my issue was nerves and rigidity because I could easily re-enter the kayak in deep water and sit still and be fine - but nervous paddling led to instability
Anyway Monday I was waaaay better - fell in a few times when trying some higher cadence - but just in doing slow and steady paddling on Monday I averaged 4.5 mph over 2.5 miles (not that speed matters yet)
Then yesterday I got out and just did drills, mixed with slow and steady and some bursts of higher cadence every 10 min or so. Didn’t fall in once and felt rock solid - brace stroke good on both sides and two bobbles caught with a quick brace no biggie - avg speed yesterday over 2.2 miles was 5.0 mph avg - which is actually nuts as it rivals my best avg speed paddling my v7 at full effort...I have not tried to paddle the SES yet keeping a higher cadence -....
The numbers don’t matter for now I think - gonna spend a few weeks just making sure my technique is good as I move up in cadence in this boat - but after only a few hours of paddling it I’m feeling extremely happy
After the first 10 min I felt like I made a huge mistake lol