Any experiences with the new NELO 600 Double?

7 years 11 months ago #28582 by SurfskiEstonia
Hi, guys!

The new Nelo 600 Double is often featured on Oscar Chalupsky's Instagram and FB. Has any of You had the chance to take this boat out to surf? How would You compare it to the Epic V10 Double? I understand from it's width that it's beginner-level stability, but what about the speed and acceleration to catch the wave?

All input very much appreciated :)

Current: Carbonology Boost double, Jantex Gamma Mid
Previous: Nelo Ocean Ski L, Jantex Gamma Rio Large Minus

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7 years 7 months ago #29290 by SurfskiEstonia
Bumping this topic, maybe there is someone who's tried this ski in the last 3 months?

The thought of buying a nice and light double surf ski is burning a hole in my mind for some time. Could You guys, who owns or regularly paddles a double, share your opinions along the following lines:

1. Is it a good idea to buy a super-stable ski and is it possible to accelerate it onto smaller waves with reasonable effort?
2. Is it a good idea to buy a ski this wide and will it feel like a double sea kayak in terms of the width of the beam and the narrowness of the catch? I really dislike double sea kayaks, because one's got to place the paddle at almost 90 degrees from oneself on catch.. so would it be better to search for Ocean Ski double or Viper double or other manufacturers instead of the rather wide 600?
3. If you were to choose between 15kg carbon-kevlar and 12kg full carbon version, which one would you go for? Is it easier to structurally damage a full carbon ski just by sitting in heavier paddlers?
4. Any other advice that you would have appreciated before buying your double ski that you've learnt later, would be really interesting to me.


Current: Carbonology Boost double, Jantex Gamma Mid
Previous: Nelo Ocean Ski L, Jantex Gamma Rio Large Minus

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7 years 7 months ago #29313 by photofr
I have the SS2 Viper from Nelo. It's 650cmx56cm. I would rate it between the V8 double and V10 double in term of stability and speed. It's definitely an older shape (rounder hull).

I have not tried the Nelo 600.

1- It's always better to go with stability first. Catching smaller bumps will depend on your technique, but will be easier on a smaller ski.
2- My K2 is rather large. It doesn't feel at all like a K2 standard kayak for the ocean. The catch up-front is actually quite narrow. The catch for the rear seat isn't bad at all: it's still quite narrow. The Nelo 600 has similar lines (wider in the rear) so I don't think the width will be as much an issue as you think.
3- Correction on the weight of the Nelo 600. You have 3 choices for construction, and they come out at 20, 18 and 16 kilos respectively. You can expect your ski to weight less when you actually get it, but I seriously doubt that you will get a 12 kilo double ski - however, your new 15-16 kilo double ski will be built like a tank.
4- There's a whole lot to consider when purchasing a K2 surfski. Not all may apply to you:

a) Make sure both paddlers get along super well. If you don't get along with perfection and in sync while on a single ski, you will most certainly NOT START to get along on a K2.

b) The Nelo 600 has the advantage of double steering (front and rear). This is great as a teaching tool, but also great for letting your significant other make "some decisions". Here, I always recommend having one person "in charge" but talking through each decision - include the second paddler in most decisions.

c) Learn remounts - start with calm water, and move on up. Practice makes for more comfort.

d) Be in SYNC. This is super important. You could paddle with less effort, and you'll go faster - just as long as you are both synched perfectly. Practice!

e) Communicate - you'll soon have your own language, because the person in front sets pace / cadence and the rear pretty much just follows. Communicating will again help.

Hopefully, more people will realise that a double surfski is super fun, and rather fast. I think the biggest surprise to me is seeing K2 used twice a year for racing ONLY. What a shame - because they are really a blast - and under utilised.

(Brittany, France)
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7 years 4 months ago #30228 by atlanticsup
I am hoping since this last post that more people have tried the 600.
I am looking for a double surfski - got to be 6.6m or less as have limited space and the 600 comes up pretty much on its own.

Idea is to use it with the wife or kids, or general training with a mate. Must be fun to downwind (cannot emphasize enough - this is why I enjoy the sport) - an important factor. Must say I do like the double steering controls though may be a fad and not that practical but think as kids get bit older they would enjoy this so hoping 1.5 - 1.6m kid can fit in the ski.

Feels like this is my only option (interested if there are any more) and was hoping others have used it - how does it compare on the flats (similar to Fenn XT?) and on downwinds?

From my perspective I am very happy on a intermediate (i.e. Evo or Swordfish) and have no intention of getting onto a Elite for a while.

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7 years 4 months ago #30230 by mckengmsurfski
The Nelo 600 would be perfect for what you're describing. I cannot compare to other double skis b/c this is the only one I've ever paddled. But two of us with zero double experience were able to take it out on the first day thru the surf zone and into the ocean to catch some small swell. It's very comfortable, stable, and seems plenty quick for our application of having fun!
I also have an experienced K1/surfski paddler friend who has one and has paddled it with his 10 yr old son, as well as raced it with his older son, and they absolutely love the ski.
I've attached a link to a clip from our maiden voyage in the ski. Again, neither of us have ever paddled a double (and it shows!), but even with our horrible timing and lack of skill it was great.

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7 years 4 months ago #30231 by JupiterSurfski
I own a Nelo 600 and have found it to be extremely stable and fast. So much fun. This is the perfect double for helping getting reluctant friends into a surfski. And if you want to race or go on a downwind, this ski is fast.

Because the setup is so quick and easy you can alternate back and forth between which position is going to control the understern rudder.

The less than 20th length also makes storage and handling so much easier. Nelo Kayaks is making it so easy to add a double to your quiver without the hassle of finding a place to store it.

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7 years 4 months ago #30233 by zachhandler
Early reports on new skis are usually glowing reports and cheerleading from people that are financially tied to the brand. It takes a year or two for a new ski to be tested and reviewed by real world paying customers. This is still early days for the nelo 600.

I saw the ski in action in the columbia river gorge this summer. It was surfing very well in steep waves, but with world champions piloting it, that was no surprise.

A friend of mine owns one. It seems like a good ski so far but the steering on the wave is mushy and then over reacts. Part of that may be the rather unusual rudder it comes with. Of note, that is NOT the rudder that was being used by Oscar in the gorge. I believe he was using a Don Kiesling custom rudder out there. Also, some of the nelos that have been made thus far have had rather elastic steering lines that have to be replaced by the owner. Both of the 560s in my area had that problem. I am not sure if that is the case with my friend’s 600, but it is something to be aware of. Goofy rudder and lines are not really a deal breaker as they can be changed, but something to be aware of.

Regarding the epic double I would compare it to the v8 double rather than the v10 double. Another friend owns the v8 double. It is a great ski downwind, though a very wet ride.

Current Skis: Nelo Vanquish AIR, Epic V10g4, NK 670 double, NK exrcize, Carbonology Feather, Think Jet, Knysna Sonic X
Former Skis: Epic v10g3, Kai Waa Vega, Epic V12 g2, Epic V12 g1, Epic v10 double, Nelo 550 g2, Fenn Elite S, Custom Kayaks Synergy
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