Is a carbon ski more fragile?
The truth is that neither is bullet proof, they will both scratch the exact same way because you are not supposed to place them on anything but soft pads or into the water.
Carbon skis will be lighter - so easier to transport - and that's a huge benefit often overlooked. Carbon skis will also be stiffer, therefore faster in terms of efficiency on the water.
I find carbon skis a little easier to repair than glass skis... but it's close to the exact same thing. Carbon is brittle though... is a huge impact makes it snap with more ease and looks bad. Glass, in that respect, will usually end up with less damage. Kevlar will have even less damage during a big impact, but it's a pain to repair.
You are however facing a completly different set of problems: current damages... the carbon ski you are thinking of getting MAY very well need rudder shaft repairs. I hope you are getting a great price on it, because that skis needs $200 of rudder repair.... and needs to dry completly beforehand.
Anything soft on you ski is usually a sign of water migrating - or about to. Most will need your immediate attention.
Regardless what ski you get, 95% of damages will take place away from the water. Take every precautions... your new ski can actually be stronger than the roo`f of most cars, but should you handle it with care, you can get years of enjoyment... threat it like an egg shell, even though it's nearly as strong as most turtle shells.
(Brittany, France)