Too often, lighter paddlers are omitted from the equation. Perhaps you are totally aware of what to look for in a boat for kids, but I'll share my findings over the years.
To best suit kids, your surfski will have to:
- be light (the weight of a ski will affect them a whole lot more than it affects grown adults).
- from the seat to the bow, the boat must be narrow for a very narrow catch. If you need stability, place larger width behind the seat so as not interfere with their paddling.
- male it fun, because at age 10, they are not necessary looking for an "all white ski". Get couple of fun racing stickers / teach them to rescue one another / do fun things.
- make sure that you are designing a very low volume seating area (just imagine how you'd feel if the walls of your current surfski were 5 inches taller!?!).
- place a lot more get coat on the bow
Regarding the building, I'd personally get 2 pieces of styrofoam together, and hand shape the plug - but there is no one-single-right-way of doing this. The result is what counts.
Would love to see the final product.