I paddled the new Vajda Hawx 46 today in the Elite layup. I am a Hawx 43 elite pro owner and paddle mainly in Sydney harbour middle harbour and around the heads. Before I make some first impression comments on the 46, some comments on starting out and a few observations about boats from someone fairly new to the sport who has experimented a little.
Previously I have owned a V10 Sport (model before the new current one) and a Think EVO 2 carbon.
My V10 Sport was stolen

which led me to a second hand EVO 2.
As a relatively new paddler here is a couple of notes re these two boats which are meant to be both intermediate. I would say the v10 sport is a beginner to intermediate boat and the EVO2 is more intermediate. The EVO was quite a step up from the sport.
While the quality and finish of the EVO 2 was good and it was a nice boat the Hawx 43 (while much narrower) was straight away on the first day for me both a faster and more forgiving boat.
The 43 lets you know before you swim. You have time to react and brace. The EVO would just throw you in with about a quarter of a seconds notice leaving no time to react. My paddling improved considerably when I left the EVO and went to the HAWX 43. The EVO went to a new home with a better paddler

My first lesson was it's as almost as much about hull shape as width when it comes to stability.
Fast forward 9 months from the EVO sale and the purchase of the 43 to now. I have been paddling for about 1.5 years and paddle 3 times a week so would say I am now an intermediate paddler. I'm 80kg.
I love my 43 but sometimes in washing machine conditions, ocean or cross chop I struggle a little, bracing and have the odd swim. My 43 is a very light boat at 9kg so the weight probably also is a factor in stability.
I was interested to try the New 46 as I have been thinking about a more stable boat for challenging conditions and ocean. Possibly another v10 sport although the sports big bucket needs padding out for my skinny arse. The swordfish paddles very well but is not as comfortable and is not going to win any beauty contests
Now to my 46 first impressions
When you hop in the 46 it feels like a 43 straight away in terms of comfort and layout. I noticed more primary stability straight away but also did pick up without being told that the bucket was slightly wider (10mm I'm now told). I fit the 43 perfectly.
As I paddled away it felt slightly more stable in normal conditions with less side to side stroke induced movement than my 43. I paddled out of middle harbour and towards south head which is normally home to some reflective waves, interesting currents, swell and launch (big boat) wake. Just what I was looking for to try the 46.
In these conditions the stability difference was more noticeable and I felt like I may have been making better speed than I would have been in the 43. The 46 tracked straighter where the 43 dances more (weight is a factor as well). I turned around and caught a few bumps and it felt nice, turning well and running quite free. It wasn't big enough to really get a perspective of full runs.
I am thinking I might make the purchase in the heavier glass layup so I get the width and weight stability gain. I wouldn't let my lively carbon hot rod 43 go though as she is a beautiful boat and I might fully grow into her!
The other advantage of the 43 would be if you have a 6 metre garage it would fit. A full length Ski can be a bit if a pain in this area.